January 29, 2019
The Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture for today comes from 1 Corinthians 13:13: And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love. (NRSV) (And while I will focus on this verse, the entire chapter is well-worth the read to better understand love and its importance.)
I am not certain when I heard it, but a simple understanding of love that has stuck with me is that love is not a noun, it is a verb. We aren’t really “in love,” we “do love.” Sometimes we have to make the choice to react, or act, in love, even when we don’t “feel” like it. Anyone who is married can understand this when we find the toothpaste tube squished in the middle for the thousandth time and we act in love by not belittling our spouse for forgetting once again, but instead forgive and move on. Parents and children, I imagine, have similar thoughts. As do teachers and students, business owners and employees, coaches and teams, etc. You get the idea. We may not be “in love,” but we can “do love” by being kind and patient, etc.
And, if we “do love” as imperfect as we humans can be, imagine what perfect love from God looks like. Hard to imagine, isn’t it?! Yet, these words from Paul remind us that in the end, as it was from the beginning, love is the greatest. And, not only that, love abides. Remains. Stays. Doesn’t leave us or forsake us. Thanks be to God for that kind of love, both as role model and as action.
And speaking of love, couldn’t resist the latest picture of our godson, loving some time with his momma at a lunch date.
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