Friday, January 30, 2015

Day #393

January 28, 2015

The gospel reading for Sunday is from Mark, the first chapter. The beginning of verse 27 is: “They were all amazed.” Jesus had ‘wowed’ the crowd with his authority in teaching, and over the unclean spirit plaguing the man in the synagogue.

With that said, the question for Bible Study was, “When have you been amazed by Jesus?” Every person in the room had an example. Mine was that I am continually amazed by Jesus’ grace. His unconditional love, acceptance, forgiveness and desire to be in good and right relationship with me blows me away all the time.

Perhaps another example I could have used is the simple fact that Jesus still amazes us today, even though none of us have met him, sat with him in person, seen his miracles or heard his teaching firsthand. His presence is made known all around us in his Word, his meal of Holy Communion, his disciples or other followers, and through prayer. And we can ‘see’ it. That’s amazing!


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