January 21, 2015
The topic for today: prayer. Specifically, the Lord’s Prayer and the part “give us this day our daily bread.” What sorts of things does God provide? What is included in asking for “daily bread?” Doesn’t God know what we need and provides it without our asking? What is the essence of prayer?
In the conversation, there wasn’t anything we could not trace back to God providing - food, shelter, clothing, love, etc. And, we concluded that everything is included in our asking for “daily bread.” Also, yes, God does know what we need, yet deeply desires for us to pray, because the essence of prayer is conversation with God. It is taking the time to acknowledge who God is, how God is part of, or all of, our life, and how we need God and God’s care.
Basically, I suppose, it’s about relationship. To maintain relationship with people we care about we talk often, share our thoughts and feelings, and get together when we can. How much more should we/can we do the same with God?
Wishing we could get together... praying for you and Doug and all the new relationships you are forming and maintaining, by God's grace, in your current location! We are blessed. I'm thankful for all that He provides!! Great post today.