Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Day #59

February 28, 2014

Another thought out of the “mouths of babes.” This one from what looked to be a four or five year old. We were in the waiting room at a doctor’s office. For whatever reason, the television always seems to be on in those places (along with the hospital) and today it was turned to Dr. Phil.

Now, I must admit, I’m not really a fan of any “Dr.” on television. My theory is, you get what you pay for. In other words, they give free advice to the general population and they’re being paid by advertiser’s money for one purpose - to attract an audience.

Anyway (please forgive the temporary rant), Dr. Phil was “counseling” a couple where the husband had admitted to multiple accounts of “indiscretion” in his marriage (the details of which were rather detailed and embarrassing). Then we hear Dr. Phil make the comment, “Let me be perfectly clear!” in a very authoritative tone.

At that moment, the young one in the room said, “Mommy, is Dr. Phil a judge?” Mommy replied simply, no. Then the young one asked, “Are we allowed to watch this?”

I had to smile. Actually, were any of us “allowed” to watch, or were we being “subjected” to it? And why didn’t we speak up that we wanted it changed? Were we concerned someone else was interested in the program or was really getting something of value out of it? Most importantly, what kind of message was it for this young one?

So, you may be wondering, how does she see this as a moment of “intersection?” Guess my question back is, what are we allowing our mind to be fed with? Is it with words of hope and love? Or “judge”ment calls based on someone’s opinion? Hmmm….


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