Friday, September 25, 2020

Day #2455

September 20, 2020 

Today's worship began the annual three-part focus on the stewardship of time, talent and treasure. The first is to focus on the stewardship of time. We all have the same amount given to us by God - 24 hours in a day. So how can we "steward" what we all have? Many do so by giving of "their" time to ease the load of others, who struggle to find enough time to get everything done. I am grateful for them. I also understand about feeling overwhelmed, longing for additional time, and have precious little to spare.

As I was thinking about time and figuring out a way to talk about sharing, I was grateful for the Hershey candy commercial I saw. It reminded me about the joy of sharing. Perhaps you have seen it? If not, you may find it here: Hershey Candy Bar

I just fell in love with this modern-day parable about the joy of sharing, found in the most unlikely of places - a television commercial!!!! I hope I retold it appropriately today in worship. It certainly seemed to me to fit a stewardship focus of time, and also of talent and treasure. 

Blessings. And prayers.

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