Saturday, March 7, 2020

Day #2254

March 3, 2020 

This Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture is based on Genesis 12:1: The Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. (NRSV)

Can you imagine?!?! Go from here, this place that has become home and comfort and familiarity, to a place that is not yet revealed, but to which God says, trust me. Well, a little over five years ago, hubby and I left the land of our birth and life for decades and set across country. Until two weeks before we left, we had no idea where we would live, but only that we had a place to go to that was ready for us to come; a new congregation to serve; new people to meet; a new state with new laws and rules; and a new culture to learn. We came, trusting that God was providing this place for us and God has blessed us in so many ways. Just as God had a place for us before that included wonderful people and experiences, this place does, too. 

What might you be holding onto so tightly that you are missing a new experience or a new opportunity for God to bless you and your family? Are our hands (and hearts and minds) so filled with what we are currently experiencing that we cannot imagine the risk of letting go to receive something just as (or even more) wonderful? Is that what faith is really about, trusting God to show us ways to be blessed, and to be a blessing? 


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