Saturday, June 8, 2019

Day #1974

May 28, 2019 

Today’s Tuesday's Thoughts on Scripture comes from Revelation 22:13: I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” (NRSV)

“Pastor, I have a question,” the confirmation student said to me as we studied the beginning in the book of Genesis, “if God made the earth and everything in it, then who made God?” I wish you could have seen their face when I said, “God wasn't made...God just always was.” Doubt and skepticism were just a couple of the thoughts that looked as though they ran through the confirmation student’s mind. Always was?!?! That cannot be - there had to be a beginning to God. 

I thought about that exchange when reading this verse from Revelation, which isn’t something that makes logical sense at all. Yet, this mystery of God as always being shows but a piece of the magnitude of God. The awesomeness of God. The inability of us to fully understand God. Yet we are invited by God to receive God’s love and grace in faith, from beginning to end, first to last, A to Z….from always and now and forever. 


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