Saturday, February 2, 2019

Day #1854

January 28, 2019 

Another day filled with holy conversations came to a close, as did my duties on the Family Promise Board of Directors. I have learned a lot these last three years, worked with some truly talented and committed folks, and been challenged and stretched in many ways. Serving on a board is similar, but also vastly different, to being on a church council or involved on other church boards or committees. While there is a shared vision and passion for a ministry, much like there is for a particular congregation, it is different. Members of a nonprofit board really do not have a sense of belonging to the ministry, where a council consists of members of a congregation with skin in the game. And my observation: I think that difference can affect the sustained level of commitment or energy. 

I will miss my involvement in this way with the Family Promise program, but I look forward to continuing to serve in other ways. And who knows what is next for where God needs me to be involved!


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