Saturday, January 14, 2017

Day #1105

January 9, 2017 

Then Jesus spoke out again, “I am the light of the world. The one who follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. John 8:12, NET

2017 brought a new idea to the Daily Intersection, Mystical Monday (see #1098). The name of Jesus for today that helps reveal the mystery of Christ: Light, as in Jesus is the Light of the World.

Perhaps a better way to think of Jesus as light is not what that might mean, as such, but to consider what light does. It only takes a minimum amount of light to dispel darkness. Think of the little LED on the smoke detector, a tiny flame of a candle, etc., that is enough to help light the way in the middle of the black darkness of night. 

Also, the dark absolutely cannot quench the light, yet the light can quench the darkness. It takes great effort to keep out the light sufficient to allow complete darkness. Perhaps the only time I have experienced such in my life was once in a planetarium. It was so dark I could not even see my hand before my face. And yet, just a tiny pinprick of light gave me enough to see my hand and experience the darkness broken.

Jesus’ light cannot be overcome by darkness, evil, fear, even death. And his light gives us an abundance to see that he has broken the darkness and that hope, peace, and joy are possible. 

Thanks be to God for the Light of the World. Shine through me, Lord Jesus. 


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