Monday, August 4, 2014

Day #212

July 31, 2014 - The Daily Intersection - Day #212

The second mission part of the trip was picking blueberries. I should correct that to “gleaning” blueberries. Eight different farms in the DC area allow volunteers to come in and “glean” their fields of all sorts of vegetables, fruits, etc. Once the farm’s selling operation has died down, volunteers can come and pick what is left, which is taken to the DC Central Kitchen for use in the 5,000 +/- meals made there each day. Those meals are then distributed to the 80 homeless shelters in the DC area. Instead of each shelter making their own meals, the DC Central Kitchen does so.

This was our “reward” for approximately two hours of picking

Those buckets are bigger than they look, and we were glad to be a part of helping to feed others in this way, much like the care packages yesterday. Although, I must say, handing those out put a face to those who would eat these berries later today or tomorrow in bread, pie, pancakes, whatever the chefs at DCCK created.



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