Saturday, May 22, 2021

Day #2695

May 18, 2021

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from John 15:12: “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. (NRSV)

Jesus is having his final conversation, teaching moment, time of instruction with his disciples before his arrest and crucifixion. He has told them many things, not only on this night, but in the years he has traveled with them. And he still has many things to say?!?! What more could there be? 

I think of some of the last conversations I had with my mother. After nearly 50 years of having her with me and learning from her, one would have thought she had told me all I needed to know about the family history, the wisdom she had gained in living life, her hopes and dreams for me and my hubby, and even what it was like to be her age enduring what she was. Yet, as each year goes by, I realize she did not tell me all she could about the aging process, or the family, or even how she felt about me (well, maybe she did, but it would certainly be a gift to actually hear her say once again that she loved me). I suppose I was not ready to hear at age 47 what being 60 is like. That wisdom would have to come from experience, and I am learning as I go. 

What did the disciples think that evening when Jesus said there was more, but they could not bear it? I can imagine they were somewhat frustrated. How will we make it if we do not know the whole story? Well, Jesus goes on to say they will not be left alone. An Advocate, the Holy Spirit, will come upon them and teach, guide and direct them. They would have to trust that they would know what they needed to know when they needed to know it. Hmm…

Blessings. And prayers.

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