Saturday, May 22, 2021

Day #2699

May 22, 2021 

On this Satisfied Saturday, I am grateful for the church. 

As I was preparing for Pentecost Sunday tomorrow, and an Affirmation of Baptism, I was reminded of the gifts the church brings - diversity, teaching, example, friends, encouragement, worship, generations, story, and more. Yes, the church can act in painful ways and has hurt many over the decades; the church can be stoic and judgmental; the church can exclude instead of include, etc. The church has faults. But at its best and most basic, the church, the body of God’s people, is there because of God’s love. And we need one another, which is a good reminder of this gift from God. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2698

May 21, 2021

I know it isn’t Monday and time for the smile for the week, but I had to share this bit of humor as the snow keeps coming down. 

Might as well smile. Haha

Blessings. And prayers.

PS It's really not this bad. At least not here, but in some places it is. Yikes!

Day #2697

May 20, 2021 

Umm…it’s MAY 20th, right?!?! What is this???? Spring SNOW!!!!

And the forecast is for this to continue for a couple of days. Hmm…

Blessings. And prayers.

PS I promise this is a picture from May 20, 2021, and not sometime during a winter. Yes, I promise. MAY! Please remind me not to brag about beautiful spring weather again! 😉

Day #2696

May 19, 2021 

In today’s Bible Study we used the devotion from the “Gather” magazine of the Women of the ELCA. The topic was intergenerational relationships. There was much to think about. How do we listen to one another, learn from each other, include one another, and/or welcome one another? 

This reminded me of my fear as I began internship of ministering with youth. My supervisor recognized this as a “growing edge” and gave me many opportunities to stretch my wings. I also had encouragement from our Godson’s mom. They both reminded me that to be present and listen were the most important things I could do. Wise advice. Now I am thankful to say that I thoroughly enjoy being with, teaching, and learning from youth, and all ages!!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2695

May 18, 2021

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from John 15:12: “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. (NRSV)

Jesus is having his final conversation, teaching moment, time of instruction with his disciples before his arrest and crucifixion. He has told them many things, not only on this night, but in the years he has traveled with them. And he still has many things to say?!?! What more could there be? 

I think of some of the last conversations I had with my mother. After nearly 50 years of having her with me and learning from her, one would have thought she had told me all I needed to know about the family history, the wisdom she had gained in living life, her hopes and dreams for me and my hubby, and even what it was like to be her age enduring what she was. Yet, as each year goes by, I realize she did not tell me all she could about the aging process, or the family, or even how she felt about me (well, maybe she did, but it would certainly be a gift to actually hear her say once again that she loved me). I suppose I was not ready to hear at age 47 what being 60 is like. That wisdom would have to come from experience, and I am learning as I go. 

What did the disciples think that evening when Jesus said there was more, but they could not bear it? I can imagine they were somewhat frustrated. How will we make it if we do not know the whole story? Well, Jesus goes on to say they will not be left alone. An Advocate, the Holy Spirit, will come upon them and teach, guide and direct them. They would have to trust that they would know what they needed to know when they needed to know it. Hmm…

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2694

May 17, 2021 

If you know me, you know that what this says about ironing truly is a reason to laugh out loud. Ironing just does not happen in this house (I do not even own an iron - I gave it up for Lent almost 20 years ago!). I do, however, try to wash, dry and fold the same day. We all have our “things.” Haha 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2693

May 16, 2021 

The word for the day - humbled. The gospel reading this week reminds us that Jesus prayed for his disciples and that he, in turn, prayed for those who would believe because of their witness. And that is us. Jesus prays for us. What an amazing gift!

What memories do you have of being prayed for? How did/do those times make you feel? What might you want Jesus to pray to God for about you and your life right now? 

Thank you God, for hearing our prayers. And thank you, Jesus, for praying for us. Amen.

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2692

May 15, 2021

On this Satisfied Saturday, as I officiated a Memorial Service, I was reminded that I am grateful for the memories of family. Certainly, not all memories of family are necessarily warm and fuzzy, but there are usually some that fill our hearts with joy and stay with us, shaping us and even guiding us, forever. 

Thank you for being willing to share the memories of your loved one, and for sharing her with us through them. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Day #2691

May 14, 2021 

The word for the day - thankful - for beautiful weather. And the opportunity to plant a few flowers. Finally! Let’s hope Spring really has sprung. 😊

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2690

May 13, 2021 

Today, forty days past Easter, is known as Ascension Day. We are told that on this day the resurrected Jesus returned to heaven as his followers witnessed his leaving. Does that mean we are left alone? Never! The account of the coming of the Holy Spirit is only ten days away on Pentecost. 

Thank you, Jesus, for the witness you shared in the time between your resurrection and ascension. There is much comfort found in those accounts and there is much to learn. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2689

May 12, 2021 

Oh how wonderful laughter can be. It is perhaps the best stress reliever. I am blessed to laugh with parishioners in conversation, study time, and more. Thank you for the joy you bring!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2688

May 11, 2021

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from the Gospel of John, chapter 17, verse 11: [Jesus prays]: And now I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them in your name that you have given me, so that they may be one, as we are one. (NRSV) 

Often folks will tell me that I am in their prayers. That means more than you can know (or perhaps you do know how much that can mean). Less often, I have been prayed for, out loud, right then and there in the presence of the one praying. I remember once calling a friend to ask if she could pray for me RIGHT NOW. She was flabbergasted, but stopped what she was doing and granted my request. I was afraid and her prayer helped immensely. The situation did not change, but I felt much better.

In this verse, Jesus is praying for his disciples. He has told them all he knows to say, and now he takes his thoughts to God in prayer. I cannot imagine what that must have been like, to have Jesus pray for them, out loud, right then and there. Were they comforted? Did they become more frightened (Jesus does ask for their protection)? Were they perplexed? Embarrassed? We do not know from this reading, but Jesus knew what they needed. And probably what he needed, also.

Is there someone who could use your prayer for them, with them, today? Out loud? Probably. And perhaps you need the opportunity to pray just as much as they need the prayer. May God provide you such a blessing.  

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2687

May 10, 2021

The smile for this week is rather personal, but hopefully inspirational. It is the sound of my uncle’s voice as I called to wish him a Happy Birthday. He is my closest blood relative left on this earth, and I do not call nearly as often as I should. But I did today, on his special day, and I am thankful, because I could hear the joy my call brought him. 

Our conversation put a smile on my face for several hours after we hung up. I hope you are also able to talk with someone this week who brings a smile to your face. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2686

May 9, 2021 

On this Mother’s Day, I am blown away by how fast - and how tall - you are growing, Simon. I am just amazed by this picture:

You are quickly becoming a young man. I hope you know how special you are, Simon, and how much love is sent to you today. And to your Momma - our bonus daughter. 

Happy Mother’s Day. To all!

Blessings. And prayers.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Day #2685

May 8, 2021

On this Satisfied Sunday, we give thanks for being your Godparents, Simon. It is hard to believe this is your 10th Baptism Birthday. That is a long time since this picture taken on that special day:

We send you our prayers and love. God bless and keep you always!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2684

May 7, 2021 

We were blessed today to virtually attend the Commissioning to Navy Chaplaincy for a colleague and friend, Pastor Terilyn. A while ago, she spent a couple of years serving the congregation across the alley and we were able to work together on several projects. For almost ten years now, Pastor Terilyn has been working toward her dream of this chaplaincy position. Today marked the culmination of one chapter for her and the beginning of another.

It was an honor to watch her and her family rejoice at her accomplishment. Well done, good and faithful servant. We celebrate with and for you. You will serve our country well. Godspeed.

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2683

May 6, 2021 

We had to take our Boomer to the veterinarian today to have him sedated to check his problem ear. He has a ruptured eardrum and infection. What?! How!? We do not know the cause, or how long he has actually been suffering, because with the vet's help, we have been treating it for a couple of weeks now. Today we are grateful for our vet's care and pray the medicine and “flushing” allow it to finally, and completely, heal. 

Good grief! Isn’t it always something!?

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2682

May 5, 2021

Today is Teacher Appreciation Day. For all of those who teach (or have taught), encourage and accompany students of all ages - thank you is hardly enough. You are truly Rock Stars!!!! Where would we be without you!?!

Also, we heard sad news today - local icon Piano Pat has passed away (the news story may be found here: Piano Pat). I am glad we were able to see her play at the Sip-n-Dip several years ago. Rest in peace, Pat. You entertained many!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2681

May 4, 2021

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Acts 10:46b-47: Then Peter said, “Can anyone withhold the water for baptizing these people who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?” (NRSV)

It must have been difficult to figure out what to do after Jesus rose and ascended. We read, for example, there were disagreements over the process of becoming a follower of Jesus. Did someone have to become Jewish before becoming Christian? In our reading, circumcised believers were surprised that the Holy Spirit had descended upon even Gentiles. Peter may not have been surprised, however, as he jumped at the chance for these new believers to be baptized. 

A colleague once shared with me her experience about someone who came to her office to talk about God and faith. They were so overwhelmed by what they heard that they wanted to be baptized then and there. Should there be any hesitation? No. Even though we hope to have baptisms with the community surrounding them, sometimes the Holy Spirit works abruptly. Are we ready?! I hope so - we should expect the unexpected when the Holy Spirit is around! Peter did.

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2680

May 3, 2021

The smile for this week is a day early, but this always makes me smile:

Oh, what we do without Star Wars references!? Even the ELCA has gotten onboard. Haha!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2679

May 2, 2021 

What a glorious day! Worship with mostly good technology! A restful afternoon! And a gentle, cleansing and soaking rain! 

Oh, the rain is so desperately needed and we are so appreciative of having it come down gently, allowing it to nourish the dry earth. Yes, this is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it (from Psalm 118:24)! 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2678

May 1, 2021

On this Satisfied Saturday, I am grateful for the ability to have clean clothes. A clothes washer and dryer at home is truly a gift, and I must admit I am spoiled by ours. In fact, I am spoiled by many of the conveniences in our home - lights, running water, heat, television, radio, refrigerator, oven, dishwasher, etc. We are blessed to have them all!

Blessings. And prayers.

And Happy May Day…. Spring is getting closer!

Day #2677

April 30, 2021

The word for the day - thankful - for those who keep promises. Last year we had some painting done inside and outside our home. Then we had some other work done outside, and a couple of places on the new paint were marred. When the painter completed the inside, he agreed to touch-up the outside, even though he did not cause the damage. Today he completed his promise. Because it does not always happen that businesses even return phone calls, for one to keep his promise is cause for giving thanks!

We appreciate you! And if you ever need a painter, or a reference, give us a shout. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Day #2676

April 29, 2021

The word for the day - thankful. The surgeon was very pleased with hubby’s shoulder and told him to use it and take care of it, meaning he can do basically whatever he wants, as long as he does not overdue. What a wonderful gift! And to be pain-free…a blessing.

The news could not be better! Thank you, God, for the gifts you give to us. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2675

April 28, 2021 

routine follow-up visit to the surgeon who did hubby’s shoulder replacement two years ago meant taking a drive to another city. What a beautiful day it was to be on the road! And to see this…

was a bonus! Guess it was also a great day to cool off in the river. :-)

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2674

April 27, 2021 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from 1 John 4:19: We love because [God] first loved us. (NRSV)

The Beatles’ song, All You Need Is Love, keeps running through my mind. Yes, there is truth in the statement that we need love. But love isn’t something we have to seek, fall into, or do something in order to find. Because more important than the catchy words John Lennon wrote in this song is the truth found in the ones from 1st John - God first loved us. The one who created us and provided for us, does already, and always will, love us. 

So the question is, how might we humans react differently in the world if we knew, and trusted, deep in our hearts and minds that we are already loved and always will be?! Hmmm....

Blessings. And prayers. 

Day #2673

April 26, 2021 

The smile for this week - the view of the front I am blessed to see every day. While this picture does not do it justice, today these mountains were showing off their beauty in the sun, with the snow topping their peaks. 

This view makes me smile each day - I hope it will help you smile this week, too, and thank God for the earth’s beauty!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2672

April 25, 2021 

The word for the day - grateful, for a backup plan. You may be wondering why a backup plan is needed. One word - technology! For some reason, the live-streaming did not work today for worship. But thankfully, a recording was made that could be uploaded.

Over the past year, worship has changed dramatically. Well, worship has not necessarily changed that much, but how people worship has changed. The pandemic created the need for a way to worship without gathering in the sanctuary, because it was not considered safe. So live-streaming, recording, posting, YouTube, etc., have become household words. And truly are gifts. 

So while I am grateful for these methods, they create stress when they do not work as they should (or as expected). To let down folks who are tuning in to hear the scripture and prayers from the safety of their home is beyond frustrating. Therefore, having the backup plan is important and thankfully it worked today. 

As I have said before, maybe next week all will come together well. Fingers crossed - as always!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2671

April 24, 2021 

Hubby and I attended a wedding today of two pastor colleagues. These two have been a couple for a while now and today this wedding service brought them together in a new way that we pray lasts for the rest of their lives. 

It has been fun to watch their love blossom and grow and it was a joy to celebrate with them. We wish them well and congratulations.

So on this Satisfied Saturday, I am grateful for love, commitment, and joy found in a covenant made between two folks in marriage. 

Blessings. And prayers.