Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Day #2446

September 11, 2020 

As we were out and about, we passed several fire departments where a single firefighter was standing out front in full suit, holding the American flag, and at attention. We did not take a picture, but thought what a fitting tribute this was to the memory of so many who lost their lives on this day nineteen years ago. Lord, have mercy.

Also, I feel a need to share this prayer from the devotion d365 written by Kamal Hassan: 

God, may I not let what others do decide what I should do. May I respond to problems with the loving kindness I have on the inside. Despite how hard it is to forgive and how long it may take, let me remember: what I cannot let go of will never let go of me.

Wow!! Again, Lord, have mercy!

Blessings. And prayers.

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