September 15, 2020
Today’s Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Matthew 20:11-12: And when they [the laborers] received it [their pay], they grumbled against the landowner, saying, ‘These last worked only one hour, and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the day and the scorching heat.’ (NRSV)
I would like to meet the person who has never declared, “That’s not fair!” I believe they would be a very special person. Because whether the comment follows something I did not receive that I thought I should, or that someone else received something they should not have (like an illness or job loss, etc.), lamenting about fairness seems to be a human norm. Perhaps, at least, in America. Or maybe it is just me, but it does not take long to look around and see life is anything but “fair.” At least from my perspective, and maybe that is the point. My perspective is a bit clouded.
Well, these laborers are no exception, meaning this cry about fairness is not something new. Jesus tells the parable about the landowner who hired laborers throughout the day and when the day ended, he paid the ones who worked only an hour the same as those who worked all day. All received a fair daily wage.
Now, I suppose no one would have been the wiser if the last had been paid first, but that is not the way the story goes. So the ones hired first see the “short-timers” receive a full day’s wage and expect more. After all, they have been working harder and longer, so a “bonus” should be in order.
But the Kingdom of God doesn’t play favorites. All are equally loved and equally welcomed into the Kingdom. And all means all!
So the next time I begin to think about fairness, perhaps I can remember that God is the ultimate of being fair. God is about being equal, with no clouded perspective. Thanks be to God.
Blessings. And prayers.