Saturday, August 8, 2020

Day #2403

July 30, 2020

About a year ago I was invited to be part of a research project through the University of Notre Dame specifically regarding pastors in their second calls. I am not certain how my name came up, but it has been an interesting and rewarding experience, and a blessing. There have now been two lengthy interviews, a year apart, and I have one more to go. 

I am thankful for this person who is tasked with asking me deep questions and really listening to my answers. How did you become a pastor? What challenges have you faced in being female in this role? How have you handled conflict in your congregation? What are your strengths? Where are your weaknesses? What has been the most rewarding? Who have been your mentors and role models and what part have they played in helping you establish your pastoral identity? These questions, and more, have given me opportunity to give thanks for the saints I have been fortunate to be in relationship with, think deeply about what feeds me in this call as pastor, and dream of what my hopes are for the future. 

This process has reminded me, once again, of how important it is to be heard. Also, that there is a need to take intentional time to concentrate fully on God’s call and the joy there is in it. May we all have the opportunity to do similar in our Christian lives!

Blessings. And prayers.

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