Sunday, November 10, 2019

Day #2133

November 3, 2019 

As a part of the sermon today, I shared a story from a friend about his Grandma, one of the saints of his life. I share it now with you. 
He told me, Grandma loved to fish and enjoyed taking me with her. I was young when she died and this particular day stuck with me because it was near the end of her life. As women of a certain time used to do, she wore a dress all the time, even when she went fishing. On this day, the current in the stream was strong. When Grandma said, let’s go across to the other side, I was afraid of the water. Don’t be afraid, she said, just take hold of the edge of my skirt, hold on tight, and we’ll get across just fine. And I did, and we did. 
I thought of all the saints who have held on tightly to the hem of Jesus’ garment as he has helped them get across "just fine" to his forever kingdom. Faith tells me this is so. My friend’s story gives me a visual. And I am grateful. 


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