Friday, November 29, 2019

Day #2159

November 29, 2019

These words written by Molly Shoulta Tucker in the “Think” portion of the devotion d365 spoke to me today, and I share them with you. They are based on Philippians 4:8-9:
When was the last time you were scared? I mean really scared? 
Have you ever feared what others say about you? That you may not have enough? That someone might do a better job than you in athletics, academics, or extracurriculars? I have always struggled with these fears. 
Fear makes our brains do crazy things. It causes us to become critical of others and ourselves; it causes us to suspect the worst; it causes us to label others as “good” or “bad” because it’s much easier to put people in boxes than to believe the best in their intentions. 
Fear is part of being human. Paul urges the church at Philippi to think on things that bring life, joy, and peace to their hearts and minds. This doesn’t mean we’ll never fear, but it means that our fear won’t control our thoughts and actions. To me, it’s comforting to know that Jesus experienced fear but didn’t let it hinder his ministry on earth. What steps can you take to make sure fear doesn’t control you?
Prayers for God to replace your thoughts of fear with peace and trust and joy. Amen!


Day #2158

November 28, 2019 

On this Thanksgiving, I share the post I placed on FaceBook: Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends and family! May your life be filled with blessings, your heart full of joy, your mind filled with gratitude for God’s love and grace, and peace be with you now and always.

I am grateful for a wonderful day of joy and food and laughter and celebration. Actually, every day there are these reasons to be grateful - thanks be to God!


Day #2157

November 27, 2019

Even though all the snow coming down made the night look more like Christmas Eve than Thanksgiving Eve, an ecumenical worship service was glorious. There was joy as folks from several denominations came together to worship, participate in singing a wonderful Combined Choir anthem, and hear solid preaching from one of our Lutheran pastors. It was a pleasure to host this worship service planned and given by the GF Ministerial Assoc, colleagues I appreciate and am blessed to serve with. Thanks be to God for the opportunities when we can, and do, celebrate and worship together!


Day #2156

November 26, 2019 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Isaiah 11:3b-4a:  He shall not judge by what his eyes see, or decide by what his ears hear; but with righteousness he shall judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the earth. (NRSV)

Years ago I witnessed a person running away from robbing a bank. I was sitting in the church building at Bible Study when someone running through the parking lot outside the window caught my eye. Turns out he had reason to run - he had just robbed the bank next door to the church building. The police came to the church asking if anyone had seen anything. I was certain I could identify the man - he was wearing white, had a beard, etc. I even sat down with a sketch artist. All to no avail, because when the man was caught, turns out he didn’t look anything like the picture I had in my mind (and he didn't have on white, either). Even though my “eyes had seen,” they were mistaken. I am thankful someone wasn’t arrested based only on what I thought I “saw,” since my eyewitness account couldn't be trusted.

How many times do we make judgement based on what we think we see? Or what we think we hear? For me, more often than I wish to admit. Thankfully God makes judgement with righteousness and equity. God sees and hears the truth, always, and responds accordingly. Amen - let it be so.


Day #2155

November 25, 2019

This seems appropriate as a smile for the week. Nice try at a disguise, don’t you think?!?!

Happy Thanksgiving week!!!


Sunday, November 24, 2019

Day #2154

November 24, 2019

The word for the day - laughter. The gift of laughter can be healing. It can be relationship building. It releases endorphins that make us feel better. All in all, it just plain feels good. I truly enjoy helping make someone else laugh. And if that someone is my hubby, all the better. Somehow we have gotten away from being intentional about making one another laugh at least once every day. But seeing the joy on his face after a good laugh today, I am renewing that commitment. 

And if the folks at worship were able to laugh, or at least smile, today - I am thankful. After all, being together in worship is certainly something to smile about! 


Day #2153

November 23, 2019 

All week long I have been struggling with the Revised Common Lectionary readings for tomorrow. The gospel is about Jesus on the cross between two criminals. Really! Just days before Thanksgiving and a month from Christmas Eve?!?! How is this going to preach? What in the world should be the focus? How does this relate to Christ being King, which is the focus for Sunday, when he appears to be so weak and broken? 

As I sat down to put together the sermon, however, all seemed to come together. The Holy Spirit was at work and things began to make sense. We will see if the sermon preaches. But today, I am grateful for some understanding, and direction, after all the questioning.


Day #2152

November 22, 2019

The word for the day - thankful - for some of that “recharge” time I needed. There has been too much “me power” going on. I need to read Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture again about being still and remembering that God is God and I am not. 

No, I know that I am not God, but I also am not able to "do all and be all." Which is actually a good reminder for all of us, especially with the upcoming holiday season. Prayers for us all!


Day #2151

November 21, 2019 

Well, having one “off” day spilled into having two. Driving issues (people who don’t stop for emergency vehicles should be ashamed - especially when they then turn right in front of someone who has stopped and is now trying to move back into traffic), overstepping authority, asking too much of others, and a day too filled with commitments makes for “off” day number two. Guess it is good that today is my Friday - hoping for some recharge time tomorrow!


Day #2150

November 20, 2019

If you happen to read this blog regularly, you know that Wednesday is one of my favorite days. I get to do a variety of things and spend time with many people, and I truly enjoy all the different experiences. But sometimes, things just seem to be “off.” The Bible Study doesn’t quite seem to get off the ground because I can’t remember where we left off. The discussion doesn’t quite seem to work because I can’t keep straight who was the last to share. The meetings aren’t quite helpful because I can’t quite remember all the questions to ask. 

Guess having an “off” day every once in a while is ok. Right?!


Day #2149

November 19, 2019 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Psalm 46:10: “Be still, then, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth.” (NRSV)

Be still. It is not easy to do when you are young. It’s not easy to do when you are nervous or excited, no matter your age. Being still takes intentionality, discipline, even patience. For a couple of years, I faithfully practiced a form of meditation that required being still for about ten minutes. Some days the time flew, some days it seemed to last an eternity. Ten minutes doesn’t seem like very long, until you are forced to sit still and wait. 

But what does it mean to be still and know that God is God? I think it goes back to being intentional, disciplined and patient. We humans tend to want answers immediately, action immediately, change immediately. Why doesn’t God answer, even if it has only been minutes since I asked? Why don’t things change, even though only a few hours or days have gone by? It is important to remember that God’s timing and ours are vastly different, and often we cannot see the “big picture” that God does. Take a breath, be still, trust God - good reminders everyday!


Day #2148

November 18, 2019 

A smile for the week - maybe you can relate. :-)


Day #2147

November 17, 2019

Today marks my 5th anniversary serving with the folks here. There are too many wonderful moments to try and pick one or two to highlight. But there is this. 

Underneath all these items is a bulletin board. When I arrived, it was nearly empty except for a couple of posters and a welcome sign. Look at it now - notes, gifts, pictures and more marking these last five years. Each one makes me smile and give thanks to God for my being here. 

Also, in worship, there were quilts and kits and food to bless. These amazing gifts given and made by the folks will be shared with others, both nearby and far away. Thanks be to God!


Saturday, November 16, 2019

Day #2146

November 16, 2019 

Today we sorted, packed, and loaded for delivery, over 2,000 items of food for four local school food pantries. It’s the congregation's annual small part in helping alleviate food insecurity and hunger.

May all the food be blessed, and may those who receive it know of God’s love and mercy. 


Day #2145

November 15, 2019 

The word for the day - thankful. Thankful for answered prayers. Thankful for the gift of surgeons and medical equipment. Thankful for God’s protection for others. Thankful for witnessing the love and care of family. Thankful for healing. Thankful for sunshine and a nice FALL day. Thankful!!!


Day #2144

November 14, 2019

Five years ago on this date, the hubby and I rolled into this town we now call home. Here is the post from that day - Day #318 - and I remember those feelings well. Tired. Confused (mostly lost) in a new place with seemingly odd traffic patterns. A tad uncomfortable living in someone else’s home. Missing our dog. And missing warmer weather. And missing friends and family - and their accents. The adventure was just beginning. 

Now we are mostly rested (depends on the day - haha!). We can find our way around fairly easily, even venturing down new avenues on occasion. We have our own home and feel very comfortable in it and grateful for it. We have a new dog. And the weather, well, almost everyone has a complaint about it once in a while. Mostly, the adventure has been, and continues to be, wonderful (again, depends on the day - haha!!).

Thank you Great Falls - for welcoming us and helping us be “at home!” We look forward to the years ahead!


Day #2143

November 13, 2019

It’s Wednesday - busy, fully-packed, overflowing Wednesday - so much so that I am wondering how I could possibly pick only one moment for a Daily Intersection?! Could it be High School Youth who trust you to talk with about life? Could it be Bible Studies where folks ask thoughtful, deep questions? Could it be other Holy conversations? Could it be witnessing little ones and their enthusiasm, including for worship? Would being invited into conversations and decisions be it? Maybe meeting people, getting and giving hugs? Or even eating dinner with the hubby, who afterward will patiently wait while learning happens? Guess I will just have to smile and give thanks for lots of moments, realizing God is in the midst of them all!


Day #2142

November 12, 2019 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from the Old Testament reading for Sunday, which is Malachi 4:1-2a: 1See, the day is coming, burning like an oven, when all the arrogant and all evildoers will be stubble; the day that comes shall burn them up, says the Lord of hosts, so that it will leave them neither root nor branch. 2aBut for you who revere my name the sun of righteousness shall rise, with healing in its wings. (NRSV)

Sunday will be the next to last in this church year, and we will hear Jesus tell his disciples that there will be wars, famine, betrayal, and more, before the end comes. These can be frightening words. Honestly, this reading from Malachi doesn’t sound much rosier. For some, it seems, only stubble will remain. Yet, there will be the rise of righteousness, with healing. There is hope. 

At the pastor’s study, this idea of hope rising from ashes made me think of the quilts that will be placed on the pews Sunday for blessing (along with School Kits, Personal Care Kits, and school pantry food items) before being shipped around the neighborhood and the world. The quilts are a thing of beauty, lovingly put together by folks who take the discards or scraps from other items and tease out of that warm and durable quilts. The trash of some becomes beauty for others. Even a “home.” At the very least a piece of security - an assurance of not being forgotten or put out as trash themselves. 

With God there is always hope and assurance. What looks like the end can be just a beginning. What looks like defeat can mean resurrection. And, with God, healing takes place. 


Day #2141

November 11, 2019 

Instead of a laugh for the week, this prayer from the ELCA on the 100th anniversary of Veteran’s Day:

Thank you, veterans, one and all!!


Sunday, November 10, 2019

Day #2140

November 10, 2019 

On this Sunday in the month of Thanksgiving, we gave thanks for all those who are Veterans. As the individuals stood and the rest of us showed our appreciation by clapping, my heart was touched by their sacrifice and dedication. Thank you each and every one!

But the grin came when I began by asking the kids what happens in November. One of the young ones answered - we have fall. I mean winter. I mean fall. I understand the confusion - another 2 inches or so of snow came today!! As one parishioner said, why does it keep coming on Sunday, pastor?! I don’t know, but the snow can stop for a while. Maybe at least until WINTER comes. :-)


Day #2139

November 9, 2019

Two things came together today. One was two people who wanted to be married, and I had the privilege of officiating a simple ceremony for them.

Another was me and a grocery item I was having trouble finding. I sought it in several places (and finally found it), but it reminded me of how God seeks us. Relentless in searching. Desiring for just the very one thing - you! - that God needs. Amen!


Day #2138

November 8, 2019

A day off was an opportunity to take a road trip with a friend to spend some time with another friend. What a beautiful, and soul-filling, day!!! 


Day #2137

November 7, 2019 

It’s been a rather busy week (but then, aren’t they all?!). Meetings, planning, conversations, decisions…doing the stuff of ministry. Good stuff, but stuff that makes for busy days. Is it appropriate, then, to say that something like grocery shopping with the hubby is an intersection of faith and life? I think so. Spending time together and shopping for upcoming meals is time well spent (especially on senior discount day - haha!). Thank you for reminding me, God, that you are also in the midst of the simple, routine things of life!

Oh! In case you are wondering (see Monday's smile for the week), there was no dancing in the aisle this time. The music just didn’t inspire. Or maybe we were too busy searching for the items we need and didn’t pay attention. Shame on me!


Day #2136

November 6, 2019 

What could be a more defining “intersection” of God’s life and ours than when we study scripture? Today at the noon Bible Study we began a new book - Romans. The first chapter includes some difficult words and trying to understand exactly what Paul is saying can be challenging. What a joy, however, to have the opportunity to talk, pray, and listen to one another’s thoughts and ideas! 

Have I mentioned lately how thankful I am to do what I do?!


Day #2135

November 5, 2019 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17: Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and through grace gave us eternal comfort and good hope, comfort your hearts and strengthen them in every good work and word. (NRSV)

These words stand on their own as a blessing to Christ’s followers. Could there be any more hopeful words than give us comfort and strengthen us?!?! Maybe the reminder that God always, always keeps God’s promises. These included. Amen.


Day #2134

November 4, 2019 

Hopefully this brings a smile to your face this week. 

Who is willing to admit they’ve danced in the grocery aisle?! I will. Haha! Sometimes the feet just want to move to the beat!!


Day #2133

November 3, 2019 

As a part of the sermon today, I shared a story from a friend about his Grandma, one of the saints of his life. I share it now with you. 
He told me, Grandma loved to fish and enjoyed taking me with her. I was young when she died and this particular day stuck with me because it was near the end of her life. As women of a certain time used to do, she wore a dress all the time, even when she went fishing. On this day, the current in the stream was strong. When Grandma said, let’s go across to the other side, I was afraid of the water. Don’t be afraid, she said, just take hold of the edge of my skirt, hold on tight, and we’ll get across just fine. And I did, and we did. 
I thought of all the saints who have held on tightly to the hem of Jesus’ garment as he has helped them get across "just fine" to his forever kingdom. Faith tells me this is so. My friend’s story gives me a visual. And I am grateful. 


Day #2132

November 2, 2019 

The word for the day - thankful!!! Today was a beautiful day!! And I enjoyed it immensely! The hubby did some baking and the house smells wonderful. And tomorrow we celebrate All Saints Sunday. I’m thankful for all those who have gone before and shared their faith with me. Sadly, the list is rather long this year of those from the congregation whose names will be read tomorrow in worship. Each one has made an important impact in the life of the assembly, and are missed. But I’m grateful their lives have been a part of mine, and so many others. Glorious All Saints!


Thursday, November 7, 2019

Day #2131

November 1, 2019 

Celebrating All Saints Day means thinking about the multitude of saints who have been a part of my life. There are way too many to name, but suffice it to say I wouldn’t be where I am (a Christian and a pastor) without the witness of each and every one. I am grateful for those who explained to me about grace, who invited me and wouldn’t take no for an answer, who loved me through my doubts, encouraged me toward “aha” moments, and were simply there with smiles and hugs when needed. Oh, the beauty of the faces who come to mind!

So I pray: God of relationship, thank you for each person who has shared your story with me. Give me courage to also be a faithful witness for you. I celebrate the journey and those you place in my life in it. Amen.


Day #2130

October 31, 2019 

We celebrated today - Halloween and the hubby’s birthday - much as we have for many years. We had fun handing out treats and giving thanks for another year together. 

So Happy Halloween and Happy Birthday, sweetheart!!! It’s been fun celebrating!


Day #2129

October 30, 2019 

Jesus’ “Sermon on the Plain” in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 6, inspired some good discussion at a Bible Study today. What in the world is Jesus thinking, blessing the poor and bringing woe to the satisfied?!?! What is “fair” about that?!?!

Well, nothing, of course. Yet, I’m thankful that God isn’t “fair!” If God was, then I would be in big trouble, because I “deserve” very little based on my actions alone. But then, shouldn’t I be less worried about another person getting their “just rewards?” Shouldn’t I, instead, simply be trusting God to deal with me fairly? I think so, as long as God deals with me based on God’s idea of fairness and not the world’s. In other words, comparing myself to someone else gets me nowhere with God. That's a big part of the grace of God, because God's grace has nothing to do with how my actions "stack up" to others, but what God does for me...and you! And because of that, I'm very thankful God is not fair!


Day #2128

October 29, 2019

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from the 6th chapter of the Gospel of Luke, verses 27-28: “But I say to you that listen, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. (NRSV)

These words from Jesus come toward the end of his “Sermon on the Plain.” Another description of the passage surrounding these verses could be "blessings and woes." Whatever we call it, the teaching is a total reversal of what most of us might think would be our life as a believer. Satisfied, full, thought well of - blessed - would be more the expectation. After all, believers in Jesus give up a LOT sometimes to follow him. Surely there would be a positive “pay back.” 

Not so much. This is not what is promised by Jesus - an easy and comfortable life. A full life, yes, but comfortable, not so much. 

I have to say, however, there isn’t anything easy about Jesus’ words. I mean, loving my enemies, praying for my abusers, and being kind and good to those who hate and curse me is not always my gut reaction. Yet, I am reminded there is no “getting even” in these words. And no entitlement, either. 

Hmmm….suppose I need God to help and guide me through these types of situations. And the good news?!?! God will!


PS We returned home safely following our time away and celebration. It was a fun time!

Day #2127

October 28, 2019

The chuckle for this week caught my eye on the erase board in the lobby of the motel where we stayed in Coeur d’Alene. I agree with this totally - I’ve done it more than once. Haha!


Day #2126

October 27, 2019 

What an absolutely gorgeous day!!! We took advantage of the sunshine and warmer weather for a scenic drive around the lake. The pictures tell the story and show some of the beauty of God’s world in Idaho!


Day #2125

October 26, 2019 

As we headed to Coeur d’Alene for a couple of days, something occurred to me. The colors of fall in Montana are not yellow, green, red, and orange, but yellow, green and WHITE! 

Oh well, the scenery on the way is definitely beautiful! And the company? Perfect!


Day #2124

October 25, 2019

Much of today was spent in a time of education and conversation with other leaders at the Bishop’s Convocation. This was the first extended time with our new bishop. It was a joy to hear her call story and some of her hopes and dreams for the next several years, along with opportunity for us to also hope and dream for the future. It was a good beginning to a new "era."

And a good beginning to a few days away, just the hubby and me. Yes, vacation and a time to celebrate his birthday! Yay!!!
