Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Day #1970

May 24, 2019 

A special note came in the mail today. A thank you and an update from someone who had a life-changing experience that I was honored to be a small part of a few years ago. Do I feel like I did much? No. But I witnessed God doing amazing things. Suffice it to say, God gave this person a little of that peace I spoke of on Day #1967

Thank you, God!!! Awesome!! And I appreciate the update, too!


Day #1969

May 23, 2019 

On a show that features local folks, we caught a story about a cross country ski guide in Yellowstone Park. This may seem rather ordinary, until you learn this person guides folks who are blind. What a gift that those without sight can enjoy the outdoors in a safe way. 

Thanks be to God for folks who share their gift and passion with others, especially those who might not be able to participate otherwise.


Day #1968

May 22, 2019

Wednesdays are about to change. The HS Youth will stop meeting as school comes to an end. And one of our regulars will be graduating, meaning I won't see him most every week. The Confirmation Class had its last official class. And one of our students will be affirming his faith in a couple of weeks, meaning I won't see him most every week.  

But with these changes, and endings, there will be things that continue on, like Bible Studies and conversations. So Wednesdays will continue to be holy, albeit different. Thanks be to God for things that are different, and things that are the same! 


Day #1967

May 21, 2019 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture are Jesus' words that come from the Gospel of John, chapter 14, verse 27: Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid. (NRSV)

Perhaps it’s looking ahead at June and the busyness of what should be a slower summer month. Perhaps it’s trying to be in too many places at once. Perhaps it’s looking at the news headlines and realizing we humans are fighting every day for peace of mind, peace of heart, peace of life…and not succeeding. Perhaps it’s that the scripture for today will be read on the day before Memorial Day when we honor the hundreds of thousands who have died trying to keep peace in the United States. 

Whatever "it" is, I find the words Jesus speaks to his disciples just before he is arrested and led away to be crucified are as applicable today as they were two thousand years ago. The peace that Jesus gives is not as the world gives, or tries to give, through battle and legislation. The peace Jesus gives is a gift. 

Can I imagine a day when there is no longer a need to send men and women off to "fight" for peace? Can I imagine a day when there is no longer a need to worry about the future, the present, the lack, the fear…whatever causes hearts and minds to be troubled? I can't. At least not by what we humans try to do to obtain peace.

So what does bring that kind of peace? Perhaps it is as simple as trusting that God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, loves us. And loves us not due to what we do or don’t do, but simply because we are God’s children. And that, as part of that love, never leaves us alone. No matter what! 

There is definitely a peace that comes with knowing we are loved. No matter what! And what a gift to share the assurance of that peace with others. 


Day #1966

May 20, 2019 

The word for the day - thankful. For doctors who make room for patients with sudden ailments. For caring folks who work tirelessly to serve others. For insurance that helps pay for expensive procedures - and employers who provide coverage. 

Yes, in a word…thankful!


Day #1965

May 19, 2019

Two days ago, hubby looked at me over the top of his phone with a look that said something was terribly wrong. What’s happened, I asked him, steeling myself for the worse. I’m reading that the diner is closing, he said. WHAT!?! I cried? It can’t be! But it is. Because the building owners raised the rent by an enormous amount, he read, the diner owners decided to retire instead of fighting it.

This news came as a shock. We had just eaten at the diner the day before, as it is one of our favorite places. For over four years, it has been our “go to” place. They know without being told that he likes Diet Coke without a straw and that I like relish on my diner dog.

Now we know that in the grand scheme of things, this isn’t a tragedy. It’s sad. It’s heartbreaking for the owners and staff. Certainly we will miss eating there and regularly seeing folks who have become like friends. 

We went there for lunch today, and commiserated with many in town who will miss this iconic landmark. Well done, good and faithful folks. You’ve fed lots of us with a smile and good food. Please know you will be missed.

The day then ended on a high note with a family potluck dinner honoring our High School seniors. The connections between the two young men present run deep - grandparents who also were in confirmation class together and graduated High School together. Even great-grandparents who served the congregation years ago as pastor and secretary.

It’s heartwarming to see faith being passed along to two fine young men. We are praying for you and are grateful God goes with you into the days and years ahead. 


Saturday, May 18, 2019

Day #1964

May 18, 2019

On a rainy, gloomy day, we decided to go see the spring runoff water coming over two of the area falls. Here are a couple of the pictures we took.

It was certainly good to be out and about enjoying some of the sights where we live.


Day #1963

May 17, 2019 

As we look this Sunday at the Gospel of John and the “new” commandment that Jesus gives his disciples to love one another, I found this to be helpful in thinking of why Jesus finds love to be so important. Yes, love does give us hope. And love transforms, I believe always for the better!


Day #1962

May 16, 2019

We had the honor and joy again this year of providing dinner for about 50 folks with Special Olympics who are in town for the games. Athletes and their helpers came and ate and laughed and showed their appreciation. It was a delightful evening. 

Good luck to you all. Enjoy your time together!


Day #1961

May 15, 2019 

A while ago someone commented to me: That’s why I’ve never read the Bible. There are just too many unanswered questions and too many ways to interpret it. There is just too much that is unknown. 

I thought about this comment on the day when there are two Bible Studies and Confirmation class. It makes me sad this person finds that the way to reconcile the discrepancies of scripture is to simply avoid reading it. What treasures and assurances they are missing!

Yes, scripture sometimes leaves us with questions we cannot find answers for, and inconsistencies that cause us to wonder, but throughout it all we hear of God’s love and care. Seems to me that makes it worth the effort to read.


Day #1960

May 14, 2019

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from the 11th chapter of Acts, verse 17: If then God gave them the same gift that he gave us when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could hinder God? (NRSV) 

The apostle Peter is trying to explain why he has come to the understanding that God calls and accepts Gentiles, as well as Jews, as followers. He has come to the conclusion that he is not the one called to decide who is welcome in God’s Kingdom. 

Many years ago the denomination in which I serve came to a decision that was unpopular with many. And there were many who were upset and concerned about the decision and what it might mean for them and their congregations. After a long conversation with someone who was worried, they left my office not certain of how they felt or whether they were convinced the “right” decision had been made. Several days later, they came back. I think I have it, they said. I think I have reconciled my mind to this. After all, who am I to question or decide who has been called by God?!

Oh, yes, they certainly “had” it! Just as Peter did. And "it" seems to be the very definition of the grace of God that is available to us all.


Day #1959

May 13, 2019 

The word for the day - thankful. 

Today I am thankful for folks who get work done. Who take on tasks and get them completed.

Also, I am thankful for those who trust me to talk with about situations in their life. Who share openly and honestly what is happening and trust me to hold their concerns close to my heart. And to pray for them, knowing that God leads us through difficulties in ways we might never discover on our own. I am thankful for that, also!


Day #1958

May 12, 2019 

Let me begin with Happy Mother’s Day. 

And then say, this can be a difficult day for many reasons. I was pleased and thankful that the folks at the congregation celebrated with a cake that recognized ALL women. And I was pleased and thankful for this prayer from the ELCA:

So in honor and with thanks for all the women who’ve been and are in my life as mentors, friends, colleagues, family, and fellow followers of Christ - Happy "Women’s" Day!


Saturday, May 11, 2019

Day #1957

May 11, 2019 

When I saw this picture this morning, I realized it made perfect sense to me. And thought it good advice! 

What ways do you recharge? Or do you?

I'm thankful tomorrow is Sunday - a good way for all of us to take care of a low battery!


Day #1956

May 10, 2019

From the moment I woke up this morning, it’s been an off day. Impatient, having a short fuse, displaying less than a stellar attitude - what in the world is wrong with me?!?! I’m grateful others put up with me, that it was my day off, and that these types of days seem few and far between. But, oh, my poor hubby! He’s a saint!! I’m grateful for him, too!


Day #1955

May 9, 2019 

A busy day…
  taking care of folks with needs and requests
  enjoying lunch with ladies of the congregation - always a treat!
  receiving a gift from the young ones of the congregation
  listening intently to those who need to be heard
  meetings with important information and making plans
Ahh, the importance, joy and diversity of ministry!


Day #1954

May 8, 2019

Today is the 8th Baptism Birthday for our Godson. 

Happy Birthday in faith, beloved Child of God!!! We are very proud of you!!


Day #1953

May 7, 2019 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Revelation 7:17: for the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of the water of life, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.” (NRSV)

Tears come for many reasons and crying can be cathartic, but is not always welcome. Have you ever cried because you were angry and the tears embarrassed you because you wanted to appear strong in front of someone else? Usually for me, however, it is pain of some form, whether mental or physical, that brings the tears. Sometimes it has seemed as though they may never stop. 

What a comfort, however, to know that one day God promises to wipe away every tear from the eyes of those who have suffered or are suffering. So if you are feeling as though the tears will never stop, remember God keeps God’s promises. Always!


By the way, the surgical followup appointment went very well - the surgeon is pleased with hubby’s progress. Thank you for your prayers!!

Day #1952

May 6, 2019

Time to drive to that other city for a surgical follow-up appointment. Hubby is hoping for good news! 

But either way, the drive was beautiful and it’s sunny and warm here. Makes the snow from yesterday seem a distant memory, which is just fine with me. :-)


Day #1951

May 5, 2019 

Care to take a guess as to when and where this picture was taken?

About 8:00 am this morning looking out our backdoor. What month is this again? What season Maybe we should call today Cinco de "Snowo" instead of Mayo. Could this be the end of snow this year? Suppose we’ll see.

But no matter the weather, it was a joy to join with others in worship this morning. Thanks and praise to God!


Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Day #1950

May 4, 2019 

Several of us gathered for more conversation about the church and what the combined congregations’ mission is in our city. Honest, deep, and hopeful describe our time together. What does the Holy Spirit have in store? None of us know, but we are practicing being open. This is good and we trust will bear much fruit!

Later in the afternoon, the hubby needed the chance to see some different scenery. It was a lovely day for a ride and it did us both some good!


Day #1949

May 3, 2019 

Rant warning! There is very little that is more frustrating to me than folks who don’t follow through on their commitments. Or who don’t answer your questions when you ask. Or who don’t pay attention to the details. And who then try to place the “blame” on you when things get bogged down. 

Yes, we were trying to conduct some business and the person helping let us down in all these ways. And we paid them to help us! Good grief! But in the end, it all worked out. Thanks for nothing! And rant over!


Day #1948

May 2, 2019 

Today would have been the 60th earthly birthday for my friend Cindy. She celebrated it, however, in heaven without us. So we shed a tear because we miss her and the opportunity to celebrate with her. And we smiled thinking of the times we did celebrate together. We love you! 


Day #1947

May 1, 2019 

On this first day of May, three things strike me as intersections:
  1. On this May Day, the congregation from across the alley surprised us with handmade paper flowers and candy. A really nice gesture from caring neighbors who share in ministry!
  2. There are many things those of us who have two “good arms” take for granted, from opening a bottle of medicine to tying our own shoes. Gives me pause and admiration for those who have learned to adapt to having one arm and live their lives without slowing down! And appreciation for a God who created so many things with symmetry for good reason.
  3. Today is the FaceBook “Faceversary” for our Godson’s mother and me. I remember the day she signed me up - eleven years ago. You need to know about this, she said, you need to be a part of it and stay “current.” Happy FB Faceversary! I’m grateful for you helping me learn new things, especially ways to stay in touch!

Day #1946

April 30, 2019 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture is inspired by Revelation 5:11-12: Then I looked, and I heard the voice of many angels surrounding the throne and the living creatures and the elders; they numbered myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands,  singing with full voice, "Worthy is the Lamb that was slaughtered to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!" (NRSV)

Many years ago, some folks came together to create a way to help stock the local Salvation Army’s Food Bank in the city where we lived. The idea was to hold a Christmas Concert, showcasing area talent like the symphony, dance troupes, etc., with the entrance fee being only a can or cans of nonperishable food. Later the idea was improved upon - create a contest between two local cities to see which would collect the most weight in food and have the most attendees. As you can imagine, the competition made the event much more successful and the Salvation Armies in more than one city have received thousands of pounds of food over the years, making it their biggest fundraiser to help feed the hungry. All of which is amazing. 

We found the concert always fun to attend. But for me the best part was the “sing-along.” Imagine if you will, hundreds of people in a very large coliseum singing Silent Night together - a cappella. The sound and the feeling reaches deep into your soul. Yet, this would not even be a foretaste of the myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands surrounding the throne of God singing praise with full voice that is described in the Revelation passage of scripture. A choir without compare, without end, to the God of eternity who is worthy of our whole hearts of praise and love. Now that is amazing!!


Friday, May 3, 2019

Day #1945

April 29, 2019 

There is something that is impossible to do - to be in two places at once. But how I wish I could. Back to work today meant leaving hubby at home. So while I worried every moment, I knew there were things I needed to handle at the office. And when I went home (early), I worried about the office. 

Guess that’s just the way it is going to be for a little while. But it's all good!


Day #1944

April 28, 2019 

What a crazy weather day - a late April BLIZZARD! I mean snow, wind, cold, raw. Thank you to those who held down the fort at the congregation while I was caregiving. A deep, heartfelt thank you!!


Day #1943

April 27, 2019 

The word for the day…thankful! We are home safely. Not an easy ride for the hubby, but we’re home. And all seems to be well. 

Yes, we are feeling thankful!!!!


Day #1942

April 26, 2019 

We decided to take an extra day to rest and recuperate before making the trip home. It was a good decision, for both of us. Even though we would rather be home, we’re comfortable (as much as we can be), and thankful to be able to give hubby’s body a little longer to recover. 

Thank you to the motel for making arrangements for us to stay (a late night change made cheerfully by the person at the desk). And thank YOU all for the prayers. We feel them!


Day #1941

April 25, 2019 

It was brought home again today that sometimes folks just need to have someone listen to them. It had been a difficult day without much seeming to go as planned. I went into a restaurant to pick-up a takeout order and, no surprise, it wasn’t completely correct. As I waited for the missing items to be included, the two women working in the lobby began to talk to me. How is your day going, that sort of thing. Uncharacteristically, I said pretty rotten. This is just one more delay, one more incorrect order, one more time of unnecessary waiting. It’s pretty much how my day has gone, however. Then, instead of ignoring me and my grumpy reply, before I knew it, they had me laughing. I felt much better. I’ll probably never see these two ladies again, but they certainly made an impression on me and I thanked them! 

Hopefully it will also remind me the next time I encounter someone who seems grumpy is that all they might need is just a listening ear from a stranger. 
