Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Day #1890

March 5, 2019 - The Daily Intersection - Day #1890

This Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Psalm 51:10: Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (NRSV)

And so I borrow this to share from the devotion d365 by Jane Hartwell:
Here’s a simple, ancient practice* for heart-cleaning: 
Every night, sit with God and sort through the clutter. First, find the treasures of the day by asking: What am I most grateful for? When did I feel close to God today? And then talk with God about all this. 
Next, look for dirty socks and smelly stuff. I do this by noticing where it hurts and where I probably failed to do what I should have done. I invite God into this mess. And I ask for forgiveness and healing where I need it. 
Finally, look toward tomorrow. Share your hopes and dreams with God. Say thank you. Say goodnight. 
The season of Lent begins tomorrow. Might this be your practice for the next 40 days? 
*This prayer practice, called the Examen, was created by St. Ignatius over 500 years ago
This practice is one I personally use nightly as I contemplate what to share for The Daily Intersection. Yes, I make notes each day of what I want to write about, even though the finished products only happen about once a week. It is a practice that has given me much joy and moments of reflection, thinking over the day and remembering the presence of God with me in it. And for this, I am grateful. 


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