Friday, March 29, 2019

Day #1914

March 29, 2019

The weather wasn’t the best, but the scenery and the time with my hubby, was perfect. And a perfect way to spend the day. 

We found elk to watch, too. Here he is, doing what he does. :-) 

Sure do love this man!!!


Day #1913

March 28, 2019 

The word for today - thankful. For a copy machine service company that responds quickly. Thank you so much for taking care of our machine as if it were yours! 


Day #1912

March 27, 2019 

The word for the day - Wednesday. Another great one! Really, every one of them is great because they almost always include conversation, study, worship and soup supper (during Lent), planning, teaching, mentoring, and just loving the day and the call! What’s not to love?!?!


Day #1911

March 26, 2019

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from 2 Corinthians, chapter 5, verse 17: So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! (NRSV)

Having been baptized at the age of 19, I thought perhaps I would notice a huge difference in my life as I came up out of that water. I thought I would suddenly have more patience with others. I hoped I would lose my temper less. I thought I would suddenly overcome my shyness and share my newly found faith more freely with others. And surely these transformations would happen immediately, like some switch suddenly turned on. Or off, depending on the perspective. :-)

But none of those things happened. I was still impatient. I still lost my temper. I was still shy, especially about sharing faith or inviting others to come and see Jesus. Yet, I do believe I was immediately changed. Not because of what I did or didn’t do, or how I acted or didn’t act, but because I had a new family, the head of which welcomed me unconditionally, forever. Nothing would ever be the same, everything had become new, because the love and grace of God covered me and adopted me in a new way, one I am still trying to understand and sometimes struggle to accept. 

Thank you, God, for making everything new, and for making us over in Christ. Amen.


Day #1910

March 25, 2019

Book Club met to discuss the book, The Aviator’s Wife. This novel, based on the marriage of Anne and Charles Lindbergh, included the family’s desire for privacy and the difficulty they had in maintaining it. It led to a lively discussion in our group about privacy. What should be allowed to remain private in a public figure’s life? How hard is it to maintain that privacy? What impact has social media had on people's privacy? And in non-famous people’s lives, how hard is it to remain private? Is it possible, and is it important? 

What do you think? How much of your life do you want made public? Who should decide what news can be told about your life? How do you know you can trust someone to keep your information private? Should there be secrets in life? Has someone violated your privacy? How much thought do you give to privacy (for yourself or others)?

Lots of interesting questions about this topic, aren’t there?!


Day #1909

March 24, 2019

Oh, how I appreciate the dedication and creativity of leaders in the congregation!

Council met today for an extended meeting time, dreaming and thinking about our congregation and our town. If there were no limitations, what would we hope for our city? What are ways that we, as a faith community, might make a positive impact where we live? No answers came or conclusions drawn, but the willingness to dream and the honesty of conversation was exciting. Who knows exactly where God is leading us, but I believe and trust God will show us the way!!


Saturday, March 23, 2019

Day #1908

March 23, 2019 

Today I share a great reminder from Katie Langston in the 2019 Lenten Devotional from Luther Seminary:
I grew up in a loving, devout Mormon home, which gave me gifts of community, hard work, and commitment. But one significant Mormon teaching is that we are saved by obedience; this made me hyper-aware of my flaws. From childhood, I felt sure I would never be acceptable to God.  
I carried this anxiety through college until one day I heard a Christian theologian say, “I’m a Christian because I know enough of my deficiencies to be devastated. I don’t think I could live without forgiveness and the love of God.” I’d never heard anyone express their reliance on God’s grace so directly. I turned to Christ to see if he could forgive and love me, too. To my delight, he could—and the experience turned my despair into joy.  
Luther said: “Christ our Lord, to whom we must flee, and of whom we must ask all, is an inexhaustible well of grace.” From this well I thirstily drink again and again.  
Lord Jesus, remind us that you freely give living water. Teach us to drink in your grace. Amen. 

Day #1907

March 22, 2019 

I was reminded today that it is National Goof Off Day. Well, I’m down with that!!! It’s been a busy couple of weeks, and a day to spend without working sounds really good - and needed.

Thank you for the reminder! I think I did the day proud. :-)


Day #1906

March 21, 2019 

A long overdue Simon - this time "Simon shows." And what he shows is how quickly he’s growing. Yikes!!

Love you, dear Godson. Certainly do miss you!!


Day #1905

March 20, 2019

This week’s Lenten worship focused on Open Our Hands, Lord. We received the anointing of oil on our palms, being invited to remember that God needs our hands in the world; that ultimately God has no hands in the world but ours. And the anointing is a reminder our hands are holy, set apart for God’s purposes. 

What a humbling moment to anoint young hands, elderly hands, smooth hands, and gnarled hands due to hard work and age, knowing that each pair of hands is blessed and used by God in various ways. And that each pair of hands shows love to others through them. Awesome!!

Also, not to be missed today…Happy Spring!!!!


Day #1904

March 19, 2019

Tuesday’s Thoughts About Scripture comes from 1 Corinthians 10.13: “No testing has overtaken you that is not common to everyone. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it.” (NRSV)

Perhaps you have heard the saying: God doesn’t put more on us than we can handle (a phrase not found in scripture, by the way). I think this is something someone decided is the case after reading the verse above. But I believe that isn’t what this is saying, mostly because I don’t think I could handle anything without God’s strength being in me. No testing, no trial, no crisis, no endeavor has been accomplished or survived in my life, I believe, without the grace of God. Even before I understood grace, accepted it, or believed in it. 

So, in the end, I believe that no testing, or situation, could come without the ability to endure it, because we never face anything alone. God is always with us, always providing a way to endure whatever comes our way.  

Almighty God, give us strength in the midst of all the trials and tribulations of our life. We trust you to be with us, helping us, always. Amen.


Day #1903

March 18, 2019 

Today, I am over the moon thankful!! The new Parish Administrator has begun! Yay!!!!!

Suffice it to say, it’s been quite the journey to this point! And that’s all I have to say about that! :-)


Day #1902

March 17, 2019 

I must first say something about the joy I have teaching about preparing to receive Holy Communion for the first time. It is awesome to hear a young one “get it” that the body and blood, given and shed for you, is about the assurance of God’s love and forgiveness. Awesome!!!

And….spring might really be just around the corner. Today was sunny with a high of at least 41 degrees. Time to open the sunroof on the drive home!!!! 

If you had long ago told me that a temperature of 41 might feel like 75, I would have said you were crazy. But after an average temperature of approximately 0 for a month, 41 degrees is worthy of being celebrated!!!! Yay!!!!


Day #1901

March 16, 2019 

Several of us gathered today to have a first conversation, seeking direction and knowledge of God’s plan for our community. How is God speaking to us through scripture? What is the history of this community, the world, and the congregations of the ELCA? How might this history shape our present, and the future? 

This was a great first meeting. Who knows where the Spirit is leading and guiding. I am simply thankful we are taking time and intentionally trying to hear her speak!


Day #1900

March 15, 2019

The word for the day - grateful.

As a pastor, one of the most humbling opportunities I have is giving a message at a funeral. To speak briefly about someone’s life and the hope and assurance we have through Jesus Christ is a huge honor. I try to spend time with family and friends following a death and hear the things that are uppermost on their minds - the memories that perhaps mean the most to them. Then I try to use those in helping craft a message. I am grateful for being taught that practice, and believe it has brought meaning to many a service. 

For now, I say rest in peace, dear lady, and may your family and friends know deeply of God's presence with you in this time.


Day #1899

March 14, 2019

It has been a busy week around the congregation! Lenten soup supper and worship was followed by the opportunity to feed the choir from Concordia College who was in town to perform a concert. What a joy! Unfortunately, I had to miss their “musical thank you” for dinner, but I heard it was amazing. 

Thank you for allowing us to serve you - and thank you for sharing your gifts with us!


Day #1898

March 13, 2019

This Lenten season, our Wednesday worship services are from the series, Open My Life, Lord, a resource from "Sundays and Seasons" of the ELCA. 

This week, as we watched a video, we were invited to open our eyes to where we might be missing the glory of God in God’s creation. I invite you to watch the video: Pictures of God’s Beautiful Creation. You might just find yourself being awed by God’s beauty, and we all might be able to open our eyes a little wider to God's presence in our lives and world.


Day #1897

March 12, 2019

The Tuesday Thoughts on Scripture comes from Psalm 27.9: “Do not hide your face from me. Do not turn your servant away in anger, you who have been my help. Do not cast me off, do not forsake me, O God of my salvation!” (NRSV)

Where would we go if it wasn’t for our faith? What do folks do who don’t have faith? How do they survive the crises? 

Have you ever heard these questions or ones like them? Maybe you have asked something similar? Certainly the writer of this Psalm seems to be in need of assurance for the trials of what lies ahead. Yet, perhaps this is less about questioning the faithfulness of God and more about learning to rely on God’s faithfulness. You have been my help, O God of my salvation - we can see God's presence when we look backward (hindsight is usually 20/20). But into the future, God, please do not turn away, cast me off or forsake me. We can be nervous, wondering whether God will be present in the days ahead, when we might really need God

There is no reason to think God might turn away! None at all! Help us, O Lord, in our moments of doubt to regain our trust. Amen.


Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Day #1896

March 11, 2019

Thirty years ago today, on a beautiful, warm, almost spring day, we were married. THIRTY years ago today!! That is a long time - and yet those years have flown by!!!! 

To celebrate, we took out the video from that day and watched the fun. Oh my, we were young! But what a treat to relive those moments! And how precious to hear our parents’ voices and see friends and family no longer with us. 

So while I am feeling a tad nostalgic, I am also thankful! Here’s to many, many more years together making memories, serving God, and relying on one another. Every day!!


PS Thank you for all the anniversary wishes. We are thankful for each and every one of you!

Day #1895

March 10, 2019

It isn’t April yet, so it can’t be April Fool’s Day, but who thought it was a good idea to put Daylight Savings Time on the First Sunday in Lent?! Then again, I don’t suppose it makes much difference when DST comes, it is always difficult to adjust to the time change. 


Day #1894

March 9, 2019 

Who says there isn’t humor in the midst of the snow and cold?!?! With so many vehicles buried on the sides of the roadways, I just had to share this:


Day #1893

March 8, 2019

With worldwide roots and celebrations, March 8 has become known as International Women’s Day. Perhaps there is a woman in your life who has made an important impact for others. Or maybe there is a favorite story of a woman from around the world, or locally, who you admire. If so, today is a good one to remember her. And also a good day to encourage a young woman you know to become someone who improves the lives of others.

Bottomline - thank you to all the women who have made important and empowering contributions to our world!


Day #1892

March 7, 2019 

On the heels of wondering if I am jinxed for finding a Parish Administrator (long story!), I was thrilled to have an exciting and encouraging conversation with a colleague. The possibilities and the knowledge I may be able to glean are exciting! Needless to say, I am looking forward to where this may lead!

But this is not nearly as exciting as breaking the streak of days with high temperatures below freezing that finally ended on the 33rd day!!! Yes, it has been cold! Well, that is really an understatement. Anyway, maybe spring really is coming - SOON - after all!!!


Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Day #1891

March 6, 2019

As I placed ashes on the foreheads of the worshippers at Ash Wednesday service, I thought of the article in the Living Lutheran magazine by Pastor Tim Brown about coloring in the cross ("Just enough real estate" from the March, 2019 issue). He spoke about how the ashes “color in” the cross that was traced on our foreheads in baptism, making visible what usually is invisible, except to God. 

Thinking about this gave me a new perspective as I said those ancient words: Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return. Quite a holy moment!

Blessings. And a holy Lenten journey to you!

Day #1890

March 5, 2019 - The Daily Intersection - Day #1890

This Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Psalm 51:10: Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (NRSV)

And so I borrow this to share from the devotion d365 by Jane Hartwell:
Here’s a simple, ancient practice* for heart-cleaning: 
Every night, sit with God and sort through the clutter. First, find the treasures of the day by asking: What am I most grateful for? When did I feel close to God today? And then talk with God about all this. 
Next, look for dirty socks and smelly stuff. I do this by noticing where it hurts and where I probably failed to do what I should have done. I invite God into this mess. And I ask for forgiveness and healing where I need it. 
Finally, look toward tomorrow. Share your hopes and dreams with God. Say thank you. Say goodnight. 
The season of Lent begins tomorrow. Might this be your practice for the next 40 days? 
*This prayer practice, called the Examen, was created by St. Ignatius over 500 years ago
This practice is one I personally use nightly as I contemplate what to share for The Daily Intersection. Yes, I make notes each day of what I want to write about, even though the finished products only happen about once a week. It is a practice that has given me much joy and moments of reflection, thinking over the day and remembering the presence of God with me in it. And for this, I am grateful. 


Day #1889

March 4, 2019 

It is the subject most everyone is talking about. The weather. We have broken a record for the number of consecutive days with a high temperature below freezing (many of which were in the single digits or even below 0). We have snow upon snow upon snow. Folks are tired of dodging snow piles and ruts while driving, along with navigating "creative" lanes; tired of being stuck inside; tired of shoveling; tired of wrapping up just to walk to the mailbox; and, honestly, tired of talking about it.

But there isn’t one little thing we can do about the weather. We can’t change it. We can’t make it go away. We can’t wish spring to get here. Yet there is something we can do about our attitude toward it. So today I’m borrowing a line my husband has used often - just embrace it, dear, just embrace it.

And remember, spring WILL come. Sometime!


Day #1888

March 3, 2019

And so we say goodbye to the Alleluia. 

As we prepare for the beginning of the Season of Lent, we set aside this special word of celebration for God. As I tried explaining to the children, it is like putting away our favorite toy for a while. What fun it is, then, to have it returned and be able to enjoy it even more fully and preciously. 

So, until Easter - so long alleluia. You will be missed.


Day #1887

March 2, 2019 

The word for the day - thankful. For a safe drive, the difference some sunshine makes,

and a warm, secure home to return to. 

Yes, very thankful!!!


Day #1886

March 1, 2019 

Part of having a “chill” day out of town was taking the time to see a movie - a rare treat for us. We saw what we thought was a great movie - The Upside. Based on a true story, it spoke to second chances, laughter, not taking life too seriously, giving someone the benefit of the doubt, and was an overall “feel good” film seen on an overall really nice day.


Day #1885

February 28, 2019 

We had to drive to another town a little over 150 miles away to keep an appointment. These pictures tell some of the story about the drive over:

We did finally see a little sunshine - and could enjoy just a tad of the scenery. 

I was certainly thankful to arrive there safely!!! And grateful to have a day or so to “chill” before making the drive home.


Day #1884

February 27, 2019 

I had to make a difficult decision. It was not easy to do, and I agonized over deciding how to proceed. I finally decided to “go with my gut” and lean into the direction that seemed to feel the best. 

Sometimes we never know in this type of situation if we made the “right” decision. But other times we have confirmation from someone else who sees things from a different perspective or has knowledge you do not. I experienced that affirmation of my decision and I am thankful. Now I am not certain where the next step will lead, but I feel at peace with how I am being guided. And by Whom! Thanks be to God!


Day #1883

February 26, 2019

The Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture before Transfiguration Sunday comes from Exodus 34:29b: Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone because he had been talking with God. (NRSV)

Being in the presence of God transfigured Moses’ face in a similar fashion as to how Jesus was transfigured on the mountain after praying with his disciples. The difference, of course, was that Jesus was not in the presence of God, he IS God. 

The scripture above made me think of a boss I once had. He asked me one Monday how my weekend had gone. I had attended a Via de Cristo retreat, spending time with God and others in an intentional way of listening, learning and sharing. The more I talked with him about my weekend, the bigger his smile became. Finally, I asked him why he was smiling. He told me it was because of how happy I looked at telling him about my faith and the weekend’s experience. Now, I’m not thinking my face actually shone, but it certainly seemed to reflect my experience.

Does your face shine as you speak about God and God’s presence in your life? I imagine it does, for Christ is shining through you.
