January 15, 2019
Today’s Tuesday Thoughts on Scripture comes from 1 Corinthians 12:4-6: Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. (NRSV)
Surely you are kidding me, God. Surely you know I fear speaking in front of folks. Surely you know I have no confidence in my ability to get a message written, much less give it to others much older and more learned than I am. What in the world can I say that will matter? Why would I even want to do something like this?
I remember thoughts like these going through my mind the first time I was asked to give a talk during a Via de Cristo retreat. Via de Cristo is another name for Cursillo, a 3-day intensive retreat designed for learning more about discipleship and/or being a Christian. There are several talks during the weekend that are given by laypeople and pastors, then discussion happens at a table of peers.
I was the youngest person by far, barely in my 20s, at the retreat where I gave my first talk and I was scared to death. Knowing that folks were praying for me during the entire 10 minutes or so helped, but not much. What kind of gift had God given me that made this possible, or should I say necessary?
Many years later, after dozens of talks and sermons, I do believe God has given me a gift for speaking. It is certainly not something I recognized in my younger self, but others saw it and teased it out. I am grateful for that. But that is only one gift. There are others that God gives to other folks, but the common good of the community is built-up when we all share the gifts God gives us individually. Paul knew this and these verses from one of his letters to the Corinthians spells it out.
Thank you, God, that you have placed gifts in each of us and know how we can use them to help spread your Good News!
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