Saturday, September 29, 2018

Day #1729

September 25, 2018 

I have lately been enjoying a book by Louis Zamperini (from Unbroken) finished just days before his death at age 97. The book is Don’t Give Up, Don’t Give In. One of the things he wrote that I felt had to be shared was: “all you can do is plant the seed...and water it by answering any questions you’re asked. The rest isn’t up to you.” 

Zamperini continues his story in this book about his life’s conversion after the Gospel/Good News of Jesus took hold of him. He spent many of his years telling his story and doing what he could to help others know the peace that comes from having a deep relationship with God. His life was full, despite the many things that happened to him (lost at sea, prisoner of war, etc) and he credits God for the change of his life and perspective. So when he says, “all [we] can do is plant the seed,” I am comforted that the Holy Spirit is able to do things we cannot even imagine. And thankful for the seeds that others planted in my life.


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