Saturday, January 27, 2018

Day #1486

January 25, 2018 

The eighth and final day of the week of Prayer for Christian Unity: 
Lord, we humbly ask that, by your grace, the churches throughout the world may become instruments of your peace. Through their joint action as ambassadors and agents of your healing, reconciling love among divided peoples, may your Name be hallowed and glorified. Amen. 
It has been a privilege to pray these prayers (and share them) for the unity of the church, not only in our community, but around the world. 

This also spoke a note of affirmation to me because I find it so difficult to say no when someone comes asking for help. This from the "Moravian Daily Texts:"
[The scripture:] How does God’s love abide in anyone who has the world’s goods and sees a brother or sister in need and yet refuses help? 1 John 3:17
[The prayer:] Gracious Provider, help us to deeply see the needs of others. Gift us with your vision—a vision that looks beyond circumstances and sees into the soul of a fellow child of God. Stir our hearts and hands to help. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.
It is impossible for me to do for everyone, but it is just as impossible for me to turn everyone away. May God give me a discerning spirit and heart. Amen! Let it be so!


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