Saturday, February 4, 2017

Day #1131

February 4, 2017 

While chatting with someone at a funeral, we were talking about how everyone’s life has a story to tell. There is always something about everyone that makes an impact on our world. And sometimes we only find out their most interesting stories after they are gone.

She went on to tell me one of the most interesting of those stories she remembered hearing. While she knew some of the family, she did not know the deceased. But the story was told at her funeral of how she had been quick to remind her family that they all owed their lives to her - that when she was a child, she had saved them all. Her story went something like this - her family was preparing to immigrate from Ireland to the United States, but when the time came to board the ship, she was sick. Having a cough, she and her family were not allowed to board, but were told to keep their tickets so that when she was well they could take another ship to America. How, then, did she save their lives? The ship they would have boarded had she been well was the Titantic. 

As we continued our conversation at this funeral, we reminded one another that while things may seem to be at their worst, we just never know what might be coming next. And how God is at work in ways we have no way of knowing or planning. Thanks be to God! 


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