Saturday, April 30, 2016

Day #846

April 25, 2016

Note: This is an ode to our daughter - our godson’s Momma - who taught me so much about how to relate to others and what’s important in relationships. At least I hope I learned well! Either way, thank you!!!

I spent most of the day in a Continuing Education class discussing how to interact with folks who research claim to be “spiritual but not religious.” My take away: oh, if only we could dispel the myth that Christians think they have all the answers, have it all together, and only want to judge the rest of the world.

So how can I better communicate about God’s love and grace? How can I better live and model God's relevance? It begins, in my humble opinion, with prayer. LOTS of prayer.



  1. Prayer, yes, always; but you should know that you DO live and model God's relevance. Every. Single. Day!

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