Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Day #808

March 18, 2016

Over the last few weeks, I have talked a few times about the Coaching training I recently attended. As a part of the training, it was necessary to do four “practice” sessions with two other people and those are now complete. I believe we learned a lot - about each other and about how coaching really can work/be helpful.

All three of us in this triad seem to be similar - in having trouble saying no, even though we are already busy, and allowing too many things to get on our plate. So this picture resonates:

As did this from the WELCA blog:
Why is it so hard to relax our grip on our busyness—or to allow it to relax its grip on us? Many reasons exist. For one, many of us simply have too much to do. Since so much is available virtually at any hour of the day or night, finding time that is free in a deep and satisfying sense is becoming quite a challenge. 
The truth is that we are never going to get everything done. 
What sounds like bad news, however, can actually prepare us to perceive a gracious and joyful truth: We do not have to earn our salvation through chores accomplished or busiest-mom-in-town awards. In baptism, God has promised to love us even when we don’t get everything done. 
This message is adapted from “Opening the Gift of Time” written by Dorothy Bass in the May 2005 issue of Lutheran Woman Today (now Gather) magazine.
Maybe it’s not so much learning to say no, but making certain the “extra” things I say yes to really fit with my gifts, talents, and interests. That way they not only bring me joy, but I do them well, and that way many win.


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