With the beginning of November, my thoughts turn to Thanksgiving and to giving thanks. If you are a regular here, you know I sometimes write about "word of the day" and it is often “thankful” (or something similar). So, how about thirty days of things to be thankful for?
Here are a couple to start off the month. On the 1st day of November, I am thankful for:
- A meaningful time of worship for All Saints Sunday. The opportunity was given for folks to come forward during worship to light a candle in memory of someone. What an honor to watch (and help) with this! It was again evident how much it means to remember/honor someone in this way because it showed on people's faces, some streaked with tears. Can you imagine how much it would mean for those being remembered to know they have never left our thoughts and hearts? Thanks be to God for all the Saints!
- FINALLY trying Lutefisk – a Norwegian fish dish I had not tried before. And guess what? I liked it (could I be a little Norwegian, too??)! It seems there are two very distinct camps – those who like it and those who wouldn’t touch it with a 10-foot pole. Now we finally know which camp I’m in. Haha.
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