Saturday, March 28, 2015

Day #451

March 27, 2015

As I sat in my office at the church working on a project on the computer, I listened to the noises of preparation coming from the kitchen. Dishes rattled. Pots clanged. It was a busy time getting ready for a big fundraising event for a local food relief program call FISH. Two times for serving a meal, a silent auction for many items, a raffle - the works. And many folks from the community anticipated as guests.

It was work. A LOT of work to pull off such an event. Hats off to those who helped and those who came. And prayers for God's blessing to turn the offerings into help/food for the hungry.

But there is something else. It is perhaps the most important part and what warmed my heart about the whole event. No, it wasn’t the amount of money raised, or even the way it will help others (while that is an integral part of the event, don’t get me wrong). What warmed my heart as I listened to those noises of work, were the peels of laughter that rang out in the midst of it. People enjoying what they were doing. Enjoying being with one another in community, and service.

Laughter - JOY - in the midst of serving! What more can we hope for? What more would God ask for?


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