Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Day #411

February 15, 2015

A fun event and a “food for thought” moment.

The fun event - Beer and Hymns. The Ministerial Association in town sponsors this fun, ecumenical event at a local brewery several times a year. It’s a chance for folks to get together, sing, have conversation, eat and enjoy an adult beverage (or not). But mostly, it’s just plain fun!

Then, the "food for thought:" a quote from the television program, CSI. Sarah says to Nick, who’s leaving the show, “Grissom would say, you’ve got to go where you can do the most good.” As I pondered what she said, it occurred to me that we are called to do the most good where we are - and sometimes that means going to a new place. Which we did, and all is well!!


1 comment:

  1. Martin Luther would most certainly approve of this event... interesting, thought-provoking question today. Yes, indeed, you heeded that call; know that you are missed but that we are happy for you and know that you are doing good, exactly where you are!
