August 8, 2014
It has been called the "savior complex." Thinking that we humans are the ones who can fix things or people, meaning take away their troubles or their pain. Certainly, we can help and are called to do so by listening, showing empathy and compassion, and sharing ourselves and our resources. But when it comes down to it, where the rubber meets the road, I cannot fix anyone or heal anyone by my own ability. And that is sometimes really hard to swallow.
There was a video I saw today of a young man who appeared happy and content, but was tortured by sadness, regret, and doubt. He hurts himself. Watching it broke my heart. I wanted to reach out to this stranger and help him see he is worthy, loved, and has value. Then I remembered there are thousands just like him, and that overwhelms me. If only each person could know how much God loves them and has done/does for them. If only each person could experience God’s grace. If only I could do more to help others see that...
Sometimes we just have to accept the fact that we've done all we can physically do and just turn it over to God in prayer. It is sad to see someone hurting and not be able to fix it. You share a tremendously generous outreach with so many. Don't ever doubt that. Peace and blessings!