Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Day #108

April 18, 2014

The Three Days of Worship continues. First was a worship service at a local congregation with the Fred T. Foard Seniors. This is an annual event, with a sandwich and dessert lunch to follow. The pastor who hosted did a wonderful job in planning worship.

Then the Tennebrae (service of darkness) at the “home” congregation on Friday evening. The account adapted from the Gospel of John read with candles being snuffed out as we go through the events, along with prayer and song. A young man from the congregation brought in the cross at the end of the service. He did an excellent job of showing respect and honor. As the cross was put into its place, and the lights were dimmed, a spot light came up on this rugged cross with the crown of thorns. Quite a moving ending to worship.

As I stood in the darkness and contemplated the cross, the phrase, “I am not worthy” kept running through my mind. No, I am not worthy, but God loves me enough to shower me with grace and mercy, through Christ. Amen - what joy divine!!


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