Friday, February 7, 2014

Day #34

February 3, 2014

There is a young girl in the congregation who just cannot seem to make the connection that I am not Jesus. When I am in that alb at the front of the sanctuary, she is just convinced I am Jesus in the flesh. We, her parents and I, have tried on many occasions to help her learn I am the pastor, not Jesus, but she insists otherwise. She even calls my husband, Mr. Jesus.

Quite cute, actually, yet somewhat disturbing. I trust she will figure it out at some point. Meanwhile, there are some comments she makes that are too cute for words and are truly “out of the mouths of babes” moments.

Like the one her mom just shared. Seems last week they were not able to attend Sunday events because mom and daughter were both sick. On Saturday night mom broke the news they would not be going to church the next morning. To which my sweet little one said, but mommy, I have to go and see Jesus. I love her.

How is that for understanding the need for worship and learning!? is that for all us female clergy who wonder if folks will ever “get” that everyone can be, and is, called to be a part of God’s ministry!?


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