March 21, 2022
With the coming of spring and warmer weather, perhaps it won’t be necessary to try fly-fishing in a restaurant. But for today, and this week, hope the cartoon brings a smile.
Blessings. And prayers
March 21, 2022
With the coming of spring and warmer weather, perhaps it won’t be necessary to try fly-fishing in a restaurant. But for today, and this week, hope the cartoon brings a smile.
Blessings. And prayers
March 20, 2022
Yes, there is another reason to rejoice on this particular Sunday - spring is here. It is my favorite time of year! We can see signs of hope, opportunity, new growth, warmth and joy with the coming of spring. Certainly all things we need in our world.Yes, there is much to be concerned about in an uncertain future. There is war, disease, poverty, inflation, etc. Yet, today we can celebrate there is a new season. So, yay for spring!
Blessings. And prayers.
March 19, 2022
What day is it? Day #3000?!?! How could that possibly be?!?! Who knew when I began on January 1, 2014 (yes, over EIGHT years ago) that this blog would still be going? Certainly not I!!
So on this Satisfied Saturday, I am grateful to have an outlet to share my writing and connecting of life events and God’s grace. Is it easy to find something to write about? Not always. In fact you may sometimes think, now that is a stretch! Yet, it is satisfying to realize that every day there are ways God’s presence is evident, if we open our eyes, hearts and minds.
So to those who stop by, thank you!! To those who encourage me, thank you (especially for your patience as I struggle to catch up sometimes)!! To those who have found ways to recognize God’s presence in your life, thanks be to God!!!
And here’s to ever how many more are to come.
Blessings. And prayers.
March 18, 2022
I had an interesting conversation today with someone whose spouse suffers from a long-term debilitating illness. They confessed that if they had known what was coming, they might have run a long time ago. I understood their comment, yet I wondered about the truth of their statement.
Perhaps we do wish we had quit something yesterday - our job, our relationship, our classes. When the going is tough, it can make us wonder if we might have avoided heartache if we had “checked out” sooner. Yet, in trying to avoid the pain, we might also avoid some wonderful times. In fact, we might even miss the best times.
I am glad our conversation reminded me that knowing the future is probably not a good thing. Certainly God knew best by being the only one to really know what lies ahead, but who promises to be with us no matter what comes.
Blessings. And prayers.
March 17, 2022
On this St. Patrick’s Day, I share this Irish Blessing I saw online:
May you always have work for your hands to do.
May your pockets hold always a coin or two.
May the sun shine bright on your windowpane.
May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
May the hand of a friend always be near you.
And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.
Blessings. And prayers.
March 16, 2022
The word for the day - thankful. For the generosity of folks who give of their time, their gifts, their money. I feel certain I have said that before, but today I was reminded of generosity’s impact when two folks sent checks to help fund projects of the congregation. They were both unsolicited, but speak volumes of their interest to help and their desire to see things accomplished.
It is amazing to witness the many ways that people are selfless in their discipleship. Surely God smiles as we share what is abundantly given to us.
Blessings. And prayers.
March 15, 2022
Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from the Gospel of Luke 13:6-9: Then [Jesus] told this parable: “A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came looking for fruit on it and found none. So he said to the gardener, ‘See here! For three years I have come looking for fruit on this fig tree, and still I find none. Cut it down! Why should it be wasting the soil?’ He replied, ‘Sir, let it alone for one more year, until I dig around it and put manure on it. If it bears fruit next year, well and good; but if not, you can cut it down.’ (NRSV)
A pastor told the story that when he was an intern he was given the task to visit inactive members and invite them back to the fold. He made his first call and after a nice conversation, he asked if he could read scripture. Certainly, the family said, and the above is what he chose. Needless to say, it was not well-received. He was asked to not come back. Suppose the family did not like being referred to as a fig tree wasting the soil.
I think I can understand. After all, we humans tend to think we are important, at least to someone. That we have a positive impact in someone’s life. That our lives bear fruit in some way. How sad to think we might only be worthy of being cut down and thrown away.
Yet, how quick we might also be to make judgments of who is worthy and who is not based on what we think we see as “bearing fruit.” Thankfully, we are not the ones in control. Thankfully, we have a loving God who is, and who is always willing - and desires - to give us all more chances, more time, more grace. Who teaches us through rich “fertilizer” such as communities of believers, worship, Holy Communion, scripture, prayer and more, about this love, reminding us that we are worthy and loved by the God of grace.
Blessings. And prayers.
March 14, 2022
With all that is going on in the world, this seems appropriate as a smile reminder for the week:
March 13, 2022
What a great day! We learned about Jesus as a Mothering Hen in worship. We talked about Baptism in our Catechism Refresher Class. We talked about Jesus and his miracles in Confirmation Class. All on the heels of losing an hour to Daylight Saving Time.
Whew! What a great day learning and laughing and worshipping and celebrating. Sundays really can be fun days!
Blessings. And prayers.
March 12, 2022
On this Satisfied Saturday, I am thankful for real estate agents. While we celebrated our anniversary with a little trip away, our agent showed our house several times and took care of all things. They do work hard to answer questions, schedule appointments, guide us sellers, and more.
Thank you folks. You have a difficult job in times of boon and in times of bust. Please know you are appreciated.
Blessings. And prayers.
PS While we were away, Boomer went to his happy place. Literally. Here's a picture of him enjoying his time away. (He's the first "full pictured" pup on the right.) He is such a nut.
March 11, 2022
It was 33 years ago today (seems like yesterday) that I looked out the window at the church where I was getting dressed for our wedding to see hubby and his cousins sitting on the sidewalk looking at pictures and laughing. They were there early…and if anyone knows my hubby, being early is not something usual for him. His one cousin had just gotten married two weeks before and they were looking at honeymoon pictures. We would look at our own soon, and laugh and smile, also.
A LOT of water has gone under the bridge in 33 years. The one cousin and his wife married days before us divorced, married again, and is now deceased. Many of the people who attended our wedding are no longer living. Some are now grown and have children of their own. Some, like us, are just older and maybe wiser and probably a little stiffer and more gray.
Yet, in those 33 years we have made wonderful memories, had much joy, shed many tears, and celebrated a lot of love. Our lives are going to change again soon as we begin another adventure. I am thankful for my hubby and our time together. God is with us and hopefully we follow where God guides.
Blessings. And prayers.
March 10, 2022
Generally the busiest day of the week is Wednesday. However, today was an exception. It was a very full day that included a yummy celebratory lunch for our upcoming anniversary, a moment of frustration at a seeming lack of compassion, uplifting conversation, sprinkles of laughter, and finally, officially placing our house on the market.
Where was the Intersection today - all over the place. God is in the joys and laughter and in the sadness and frustration…and I am grateful!
Blessings. And prayers.
March 9, 2022
The first Wednesday Lenten service came on a cold, snowy evening. Perhaps the weather fit the topic. We are looking at the book, Don’t You Care That We Are Drowning? (And other unexpected prayers), written by Rev. Brian Spahr.
The explanation for the book includes this:
How do you pray when you are drowning in grief? In the middle of a crisis? Alone? Afraid?
In Don't You Care That We Are Drowning? Brian Spahr shares the unexpected prayers of people who cry out to God amid their struggle and suffering and loss. In this short collection of stories, Spahr (a hospital chaplain) takes readers into spaces where bumper sticker faith, pat spiritual answers, and surface-level prayers won’t cut it. He tells stories of real loss, hurt, and suffering while still pointing to God's loving presence through it all.
I look forward to exploring his writings and his prayers this Lent - remembering that God is present in all events of our life. Good news especially in our world today.
Blessings. And prayers
March 8, 2022
Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Luke 13:31: At that very hour some Pharisees came and said to [Jesus,] “Get away from here, for Herod wants to kill you.” (NRSV)
My first thought - why would the Pharisees even care? After all, they have been fighting Jesus from the beginning of his public ministry.
Wait…could this be a trap? Perhaps they came to Jesus with this “warning,” but had an ulterior motive. Could it have been they were thinking, get out of here Jesus, because we are tired of you messing in our system, not because we care about Herod being after you?
The good news is that Jesus is not fooled by them. Whether they meant it for good or evil, Jesus is not deterred from his mission. He is headed to Jerusalem and nothing will stop him...all because of love!
Blessings. And prayers
March 7, 2022
This says it all:
Although I would challenge it should say, don’t forget to smile every day this week.
Blessings. And prayers
March 6, 2022
Generally, during Lent, I like to have a short, four or five week, Adult Study surrounding a particular topic. After all, we only meet for about forty-five minutes following worship, so it has to be brief and to the point. This year, we are doing a Catechism Refresher - Ten Commandments, Baptism, Holy Communion, Affirmation of Baptism, and Apostles’ Creed. We began today with the Ten Commandments.
Today, several of us met to quickly review the "big ten" and their purpose. What was God trying to do in giving these to the people? There was one point in our haste, however, that we failed to include - what Jesus answered as the most important commandment. Hint - it has to do with love.
Did I enjoy this time together? Oh, most certainly. I would even say we are off to a great start.
Blessings. And prayers
March 5, 2022
On this Satisfied Saturday, I give thanks for the ability to pray. There is a lot of prayer happening these days - for those far away who are facing death and destruction, and those close to home who are battling all sorts of maladies and pain. And certainly there are reasons daily to pray with thanksgiving.
This reminded me, also, that there are reasons (hint - relationships) Jesus gives us prayer:
Now today I pray for you: Almighty God, you know the needs of each person reading these words. You know their struggles and their joys, their pains and their celebrations. I give thanks to you for each one - for their presence in my life, and your presence in theirs. Bless them, dear Lord, and keep them always. Amen.
Blessings. And prayers
March 4, 2022
The word for the day is thankful - for laughter. Even in the midst of despair and fear, there can be reasons to laugh, celebrating relationship, joy and memories. I give thanks for the ability to laugh, and even sometimes help others do the same.
I am also reminded of this drawing of Jesus - one of my favorites I am certain I have shared before, but worth sharing again.
Yes, Jesus wept (John 11:35). But I believe he also laughed. Thanks be to God.
Blessings. And prayers
March 3, 2022
The post for today on the Women of the ELCA blog, Daily Grace, said it best for me about Lent:
Lent is about looking into the mirror. Not the compact in your purse or the mirror above the bathroom sink, and not the big mirrored doors in a hotel room that show more than you might care to see. It’s not even the 360-degree mirror made famous by the TV show “What Not to Wear.”
The mirror of Lent creates reflections even larger than that, for as author Annie Dillard reminds us, “how we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” To ask questions about how we give, how we pray, and how we care for our neighbor is to hold a metaphorical mirror up to our souls. It is to lay open and bare before God our very lives, including all the things we hide from others and even that which we try to hide from ourselves. In Lent, we bare our souls before our loving and forgiving God.
This message is excerpted from the 2012 Women of the ELCA resource “Looking in the mirror: A Lenten reflection,” written by Linda Post Bushkofsky.
Blessings. And prayers
March 2, 2022
Oh, how reverent and special it was to have Ash Wednesday worship again - in person with the imposition of ashes and Holy Communion. Yes, it is somber to be reminded that we are dust and to dust we shall return. Yet, it is also life-giving to be reminded that the One who created the dust, created us, and one day will bring us back to be with God forever.
There was also this poem in the “prayer” section of the d365 devotion for this day. These words are from “Blessing the Dust,” found in Painted Prayerbook by Jan Richardson:
So let us be marked
not for sorrow.
And let us be marked not for shame.
Let us be marked
not for false humility
or for thinking
we are less
than we are
but for claiming
what God can do
within the dust,
within the dirt,
within the stuff
of which the world
is made.
Blessings. And prayers
March 1, 2022
Today the Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Matthew 6:19-21: [Jesus said to the disciples:]“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (NRSV)
With tomorrow being Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the penitential season of Lent, the reading for the day speaks to the standard disciplines of the season - fasting, giving alms (extra giving) and prayer.
With that said, I believe the essence of the season is found in these verses and is about slowing down and focusing on God, allowing for a deepening gift of faith and relationship. “For where [our] treasure is, there [our] heart will be also.” And we will never be disappointed with the treasure of relationship with God.
This scripture also reminded me of cleaning out my mother’s attic. When I was in my 40s, it was time for this to happen. It is signifiant that I was in my 40s, because my mother still had some of my baby clothes packed away. Moth consumed? Yes. Dry-rotted? Yes. Worthless? Yes.
Now, I understand. What if mom had had another child? What if someone special needed those clothes? But 40 years had gone by!! With apologies to my mother who can no longer speak to her reasoning, it brought to light how holding onto material things is truly impractical. However, digging into the essence of this season of Lent? Well, that is not only practical, but life-giving...and eternal.
Blessings. And prayers
February 28, 2022
The smile for this week is the majesty of nature. In the field at the end of our neighborhood, I caught this majestic bird on camera.
May this awesome gift - seeing such majesty so close - also bring a smile to your face.
Blessings. And prayers
February 27, 2022
Sometimes learning something new is a real struggle. For a couple dozen folks today, the struggle is in learning to think in a new way.
It seems we humans often find it difficult to “see” God at work in our world. Perhaps we get distracted by the pain and suffering, or we simply cannot imagine God is present in real ways in our lives. Today these folks are working to integrate what they are learning about recognizing God’s presence with what God is now calling them to do and be in their community.
In the end, I believe it is the struggle that makes the process worthwhile. Thanks be to God for this learning and those who are faithful in sticking with it!
Blessings. And prayers
February 26, 2022
On this Satisfied Saturday, I give thanks for salespeople, especially those who go the extra mile to help someone make decisions, get the best deal, explain all the options, etc. You know, those folks who provide above and beyond customer service.
Just so you know, your efforts are appreciated. Thank you for loving what you do, or at least acting as you do, and caring for others as if you really care.
Blessings. And prayers
February 25, 2022
Today I had the privilege and honor of blessing locks of hair grown specifically to be cut and shared. They will be sent to an organization that helps provide no cost hair replacements to children in need (check out the website here: Children With Hair Loss). Four of these lovely braids will be transformed into joy.
We sent them on their way with prayers that the ones who receive them will be assured of God’s love and presence. What a joy - and what wonderful conversation surrounded the blessing.
Blessings. And prayers
PS By the way, if you do not have hair to donate, the website includes other ways to support this important organization.
February 24, 2022
It is with a heavy heart that we pray for the residents of the Ukraine and for our world. Lord, have mercy!
Blessings. And prayers
February 23, 2022
We are one week away from the beginning of Lent. Thinking of that gives many pastors pause and maybe makes us a little goofy. I have no idea if it was a pastor who created this, but....
I mean, was Christmas not just a couple of days ago?!
February 22, 2022
Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Exodus chapter 34, verse 29: Moses came down from Mount Sinai. As he came down from the mountain with the two tablets of the covenant in his hand, Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone because he had been talking with God. (NRSV)
“You are simply glowing,” the young woman told her friend who was expecting. “Something exciting is happening. Your face is lit up like a Christmas tree,” the mother told her daughter before she knew about her being picked for the team. You can probably think of other times it seems good news has lit up someone’s face.
For Moses, it was less about hearing good news and more in whose company he was present. Being in close proximity to God seems to have “transformed” his face, and perhaps his confidence and faith, also. Certainly the people knew there was a difference in him, and it seems to have them somewhat worried. Such magnificence and glory would be difficult to imagine.
What I find most interesting, however, is that Moses did not realize the difference. He seems to be clueless that his time with God has changed him. How could that be? Well, each Sunday we spend time in worship being more close to God than we realize. This would be when we celebrate Holy Communion. Are we transformed? Do our faces shine? Perhaps we cannot see the difference, like Moses, yet I firmly believe it is there. Do we, possibly, need veils, also? Hmm…
Blessings. And prayers
February 21, 2022
There are two smiles for this week:
And, who can withhold a smile while looking at this face?!?!
Blessings. And prayers.
February 20, 2022
Well, the congregation now knows about my impending retirement and I must say, this is very difficult. They express happiness for hubby and I, but there are often tears behind the words. I know from experience that leaving, and watching someone leave, is hard, but I also believe God is preparing the next pastor for a wonderful experience with the congregation. Meanwhile, each member and friend is in my prayers - and my heart.
On another note, our godson played piano for the worship service at his congregation this morning. So very proud of you!!!
Blessings. And prayers.