Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Day #2793

August 24, 2021

This week’s Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Mark 7:15: [Jesus said] there is nothing outside a person that by going in can defile, but the things that come out are what defile.” (NRSV)

When I was in my teens, my granny (father’s mother) lived with us. She and I had a tendency to argue a lot. Well, ok, I would argue and she would mostly just take it. Definitely not my shining moment in time. 

Back then, after supper, it was my job to wash the dishes. Granny would dry. Or we would reverse the tasks. When I dried, it would please me greatly to throw something back to rewash that I felt had not been cleaned completely. You missed a spot, I would proudly tell her. That was the time she would finally retaliate - I wish you were as clean on the inside as you are on the outside. 

Yes, I deserved her comment, but it hurt, nonetheless. I wanted to be clean on the inside, to be kind and understanding and patient. But the harder I tried, the further from my intention I would get. I liked to think it was Granny who was pushing my buttons, but that was not the case at all. It was inside me, fueled by my anger. My life had changed with her coming to live with us and I had nowhere to process that. I was mad and this was long before I knew God, understood grace, or considered someone else's feelings ahead of my own.

In our scripture verse, Jesus was talking about the accusation made to his disciples for not washing their hands before they ate and thereby not following the law. It was not the germs that defiled, Jesus tried to tell them. Instead, it was their hardened hearts that kept them from right relationship with God. Just as it was my anger that kept my Granny at arm’s length. She knew that, but had a hard time helping me understand. Fortunately we had opportunity to get past all that before she died. Oh, she was a wise woman! 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2792

August 23, 2021 

I could not help myself with the smile for this week:

ROTFLOL! Guess that’s the most exercise I’ll get today.

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2791

August 22, 2021 

Today in worship we included a blessing for all those headed to school - students, teachers, aides, and administrators. We pray for them all to have a safe year of learning and growth. And we sent these with them:

Yes, this idea was “borrowed” from someone else and I appreciate their creativity. But I also give thanks to our Office Administrator who made them work for us. Thank you, Amber!!

Blessings. And prayers.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Day #2790

August 21, 2021 

On this Satisfied Saturday, I am thankful for eyesight. Many folks live full lives without being able to see at all, or with not having good eyesight or healthy eyes, but after the past two weeks, I am even more aware of how precious sight is and am thankful for it (and for those who help us have healthy eyes). Thank you, God, for such an exquisite gift!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2789

August 20, 2021 

Today I was reminded of how dangerous driving and being on the road really can be. We came upon an accident that had recently happened and from what we saw, it was serious. We prayed. We moved along cautiously. And we thought several times of how quickly life can change. Yikes!

Please be safe out there folks - life is too precious!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2788

August 19, 2021 

The word for the day - anticipation. I am excited for the upcoming year as we will be welcoming an Intern into the life of the congregation. After several conversations with her, I believe this year will be one of growth and learning for all of us - me, the Intern, the congregation - and I look forward to what God has in store. 

If I can be only a portion of the type of Intern Supervisor I had, I will be grateful. He helped me have a wonderful experience and I learned a lot. Prayers for this year, too!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2787

August 18, 2021

There are many things for today that caused me to see the Intersection of faith and life. First is a prayer of thanksgiving for the second successful eye surgery yesterday. All cataracts are now removed. Yay! And along with that, a prayer of thanks for a wonderful traveling nurse who took great care of me. What a gift!

Speaking of prayers - many are being said for the country of Afghanistan and all who are there - soldiers, citizens, etc. May there be peace!

It is time to go back to school for Simon and it is his first day of fifth grade - wow! Prayers for a year of growth, learning, and safety!!

Finally, there is this from the devotion d365 written by Theresa Cho that reminded me of the smile for the week on Day #2785

Comparison alone is not a bad thing. In fact, it’s natural to notice similarities and differences. It’s scientific to observe how one thing reacts differently than another.

In the 1940s, the Air Force designed cockpits based on the average measurements of pilots. Because this caused an unacceptable number of crashes, they decided to re-measure thousands of pilots across ten body dimensions and what they found is that zero pilots came even close to the “average” body measurement. So, they redesigned the seats to be adjustable to each person, resulting in fewer crashes.

Todd Rose, author of The End of Average, says there is something individually unique and special within each of us that can’t be lumped together into a national average. Comparison can be a slippery slope into competition, judgement, and envy, or it can whittle away at our self-esteem as we compare ourselves to an illusory average.

What’s the solution? Carrying one another. When we do so, we are less likely to be deceived that we are not enough just as we are.

Blessings. And prayers.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Day #2786

August 17, 2021 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture for this week is from 1 Kings 3:9: Give your servant therefore an understanding mind to govern your people, able to discern between good and evil; for who can govern this your great people?” (NRSV)

What would you ask if you were declared king? President? CEO of a Fortune 500 Company? If you could ask God for anything to help you be successful, what would it be? Something for you or ultimately something for those in your care?

For King Solomon, he asked for the ability to discern, to make just and right decisions in caring for the people. He knew the job before him would be challenging, and his request of God is a good one. An honorable one. And God was pleased. Solomon’s request was granted by God and he ended up becoming famous for his wisdom. (If you would like to know more of it, check out the Book of Proverbs. There just might be something there for your life today.)

May God give you wisdom in what you ask for. Remember, sometimes the best answered prayers for us and others are those we think were not answered at all. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2785

August 16, 2021

This may be an odd way to think about a smile for the week, but perhaps it is actually most fitting. We all could use a reminder that things are not always what they seem and that there is usually more to the story than we can see. So may you smile this week realizing you are beautifully made by God, imperfections and all!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2784

August 15, 2021

One of the joys in doing what I do is being able to share good news. Certainly, each week, I hope I share the best news ever - that God loves us, is with us, forgives us, and desires to be in relationship with us. 

But today I was also able to share good news about the building - some much needed repairs are on schedule to be done - and that there are folks having conversation about where God is present and at work in the community (both our congregation and neighborhood) and wondering how we can come on board with what God is doing. 

Thanks be to God for the great news and opportunities!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2783

August 14, 2021

On this Satisfied Saturday, I give thanks for Church Musicians. I have mentioned being thankful for music before, but not the tireless folks who play piano, organ, and other instruments specifically to the Glory of God. AND those who sing!

I have been fortunate to know and work with some of the best! Please know you sharing your gift is a blessing to many - and so are you!!  Thank you!!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2782

August 13, 2021 

Today I celebrate my favorite Left Hander on International Left Handers Day. Happy Day, hubby. It’s for you, and all those in their right minds. 😉 Love you!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2781

August 12, 2021 

The word for the day - thankful. For youth education opportunity planning with a colleague. For many years now I have been blessed with team-teaching possibilities with a couple of colleagues. It seems to be a helpful thing for the youth, and it certainly is for me. 

I look forward to the fall and the ways we plan to teach about God and God’s love. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2780

August 11, 2021

Simon says, have fun on vacation. And it appears he is doing so. 

That is a happy face and a nice fish!!! Way to go!

Also, I give thanks for healing. Yesterday I had cataract surgery on my first eye. All seems to have gone well and the difference in how I can see is awesome! Next week it will be time for the second eye to catch up. I am looking forward to it!

Blessings. And prayers.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Day #2779

August 10, 2021 

This week’s Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from 2 Samuel 5:3: So all the elders of Israel came to the king at Hebron; and King David made a covenant with them at Hebron before the LORD, and they anointed David king over Israel.(NRSV)

King David. The one hailed as perhaps the greatest king of the Israelites - ever. He was handsome, talented, brave, successful and led the Israelites to many victories. Their name had importance and they were respected with David as their king. 

But David having so many wonderful traits did not mean he was perfect. No, David sinned, made mistakes, let his success go to his head (check out 2 Samuel 11). Yet, he also repented, was sorry for his wayward ways, and received God’s forgiveness. What does that teach me? That God can use all of us - mistakes and all. Sins and all. Weaknesses and all. God can help us be who God wants and needs us to be. And it is a reminder that God will always be with followers to lead us if we but faithfully seek God’s guidance. Oh, what comfort and peace that reminder brings. 

There is one more gift David left us - many of the Psalms. Emotions of all kinds and feelings of hope, peace, fear, anger, regret, etc. are all found in the words David left us in these writings. We can use them as prayers to bring us comfort and to remind us that God hears and knows all of us - even the innermost parts of our hearts and minds. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2778

August 9, 2021

Here is something I hope makes you smile this week:

Remember, you are always in God's heart - God loves you! And so do I. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2777

August 8, 2021 

Another Sunday means worship, conversation, celebrating Holy Communion, and giving thanks and praise to God. What a wonderful opportunity! What a fabulous vocation!

Also, today is our oldest Great Niece’s 8th Birthday!!! Where is the time going?!?! Happy Birthday, sweet girl!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2776

August 7, 2021

In the past, on Satisfied Saturday, I have given thanks for marriage, but I have not given thanks for my own husband. He’s a pretty special fella, if I say so myself. He is loyal, a good friend, has many interests and talents, a good sense of humor, loves his family, loves God, is kind, a gentleman, and treats me very well. He spoils me, takes care of me, encourages me, and loves me, which is not always easy to do. 

I appreciate you being you. I am very lucky. And thankful!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2775

August 6, 2021

Today was my usual day off, but it was filled with appointments and commitments to the point of going from one thing to the next to the next. In other words, it was busy. This made me think about what a day off should look like. I have colleagues who wonder the same thing. On a day off, should I do something fun, read, take a nap, visit folks, leave town, just what? 

So, what does your day off look like? Do you actually get/take one? Something to think about.

Blessings. And prayers.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Day #2774

August 5, 2021

A question that was asked at a meeting tonight has me thinking - is there success or failure with God? Meaning, if we are intentionally trying to listen to God, follow God’s lead, and be faithful in living for God, can anything we try be a failure? And if there is what we might consider success, is it ours…or God’s? 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2773

August 4, 2021 

Today is Chocolate Chip Cookie Day. Yum!

In honor, hubby baked some cookies from the dough left in the freezer that we purchased from the youth last school year. That means two reasons to smile!

Blessings. And prayers.

PS Guess I should have taken pictures. But the warm cookies were eaten too quickly. 😋

Day #2772

August 3, 2021 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from John 6:42: [The Jews] were saying, “Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How can he now say, ‘I have come down from heaven’?” (NRSV)

Oh how hard it is to be seen as an adult among those we grew up with. They remember all the worst of our upbringing - our not so good grades, our arguments with our parents, our temper tantrums and all those other not so stellar memories. 

Now, I do not mean to insinuate that Jesus had any of those type moments, but the Jews did know his human family. They were not scholars, priests, teachers, or people of wealth. Instead, they were common laborers, even peasants. God as his father was not even a consideration as Jesus tried to talk with the Jews about having come down from heaven. That was something the Jews simply could not understand. They could not see past what their eyes witnessed.

This summer, as we have been focusing on the journey and story of the Israelites, the lectionary focus has been on Jesus as the Bread of Life. How can we really understand what that means?! All I know is to accept in faith and trust that the bread and wine of Holy Communion, Christ’s Body and Blood, are transformative means to receive and be assured of God’s love and forgiveness. 

In the end, we can ask if partaking Christ’s meal can overcome by grace anything in or of our past? I certainly believe it can..and somehow does. And for that, I give thanks and praise to God. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2771

August 2, 2021 

The smile for the week is a joke I read:

The teacher gave the class an assignment to write a poem about their summer. One young boy turned in this:

My grandpa and I went fishing for bass

We waded in to our knees.

The teacher called on him to read his poem and when he finished the brief verse, she said, but, that doesn’t even rhyme. The young boy replied: “I couldn’t make it rhyme. The water wasn’t deep enough.”

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2770

August 1, 2021

August is here and it is HOT! And dry. And smoky. I really hate to complain, and this is about as far as I can get from intersecting faith to life, but the heat is hard to take. 

I am grateful, however, for those who come to worship and endure the temperatures. That reminds me how dedicated and hungry folks are for the word and the meal. Thanks be to God. 

And this will pass - the heat cannot last forever. 

Blessings. And prayers.

PS If you check back in about six months, you may read I am lamenting the cold. That would be typical of me. 😉

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Day #2769

July 31, 2021 

On this Satisfied Saturday, I give thanks for those who make deliveries - food, items, newspapers, etc. They do a sometimes thankless job - in the heat, the cold, to out of the way places, to people who are grateful and to people who are grumpy. Being married to someone who was in the trucking industry for much of his life, I realize how difficult making deliveries can be (why I include those who drive 18-wheelers, the ultimate in delivery-makers). 

So to all those who help keep us warm, clothed, fed, medicated - who really help provide for ALL our needs - thank you!! You all rock - be safe out there!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2768

July 30, 2021 

Today was the anniversary of a couple I married many years ago. I wish them well and enjoy seeing their FaceBook posts about their family and life together. I enjoy seeing all the happy posts of couples I have been honored to participate in marrying. And I also grieve for those who experience pain or regret. But the post today that really brought a smile - Pastor married us, too. I sure do miss her. Awww, you warmed my heart. And I miss you, too! So many of you!!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2767

July 29, 2021 

Two things today made me smile and warmed my heart. The first, rain. Oh, it was only a brief shower, but it was glorious to hear. We are so very dry that every drop is welcome. 

The second, a conversation with a colleague. As we talked and shared, it came around to how things sometimes happen in God’s perfect timing (well, maybe they often happen in God’s perfect timing). We cannot know the full picture in life, or the full mind of God. God, simply, is good and all-knowing, sometimes even using our disappointments to direct us toward even better things. Ahh, but to trust that truth about God can be a challenge, can't it?!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2766

July 28, 2021

Months ago we began reading a Psalm each week as part of our noon Bible Study. I am always struck by the raw emotion found in the Psalms. There are poems, songs and verses that speak to anger, pain, fear, doubt, love, joy, and every other feeling that might be possible for humans to experience. These scriptures are the writings of people’s prayers (mostly) to God that we can learn from. They can teach us how to be honest with God, and how to speak directly, even bluntly, to God (who already knows our minds and hearts anyway). Nothing is off limits to speak about with God, and the Psalms help us remember that truth. 

Thank you, ancient believers, for helping us in today's world. You left us a true gift. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2765

July 27, 2021

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from John 6:28: Then [the crowd] said to [Jesus], “What must we do to perform the works of God?” (NRSV)

What a question, right?! Have you ever wondered a similar thing? What must I do to have more faith? What must I do to follow God’s lead? What must I do in this situation? What must I do to have good health, more money, better grades, a happier relationship, etc.? We want to know the steps to take and that our moves are efficient and effective. Why waste time? Why misstep? It could be fatal, after all, or at least painful to make a mistake.

How do you suppose Jesus would answer this question? Well, in the next verse he says: “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.” Believe in Jesus?!?! Believe?!?!? But that does not seem like enough! Is there not anything to do with our hands? A list of things we can check off? 

What do you suppose, however, a life looks like of one who really believes in Jesus? Who trusts him as Lord, Savior, Christ, Messiah, Son of God? Who acts in the ways he taught - love, serve, forgive, etc.? Who shares his message? Who does unto the least of these? 

Perhaps, in the end, believing is way harder than doing or checking items off a list. To believe IS to trust that Jesus has done all that is needed for us to have right relationship with God. That God loves us first. And to relax into that love and grace - and live. 

Blessings. And prayers.