July 28, 2020
Today’s Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Matthew 14:13: Now when Jesus heard [about the beheading of John the Baptist], he withdrew from there in a boat to a deserted place by himself. But when the crowds heard it, they followed him on foot from the towns. (NRSV)
Perhaps some of us are spending way too much time alone these days, staying home as much as possible, and we have difficulty identifying with this verse about what Jesus does. But I think there is something important here. Jesus gets really bad news about John the Baptist and his response is to go out to a place by himself. Perhaps he went to pray. Perhaps he went to think through what happened to John and how it foreshadowed what his own experience would be. Perhaps he just needed some time to think, mourn, be alone. But it was not to be. The crowds needed him, wanted things from him, and followed him.
Have you ever wanted to get away from it all? Turn off the phone, the television, the computer, the radio, the bills, the appointments, the problems, the news, etc., etc., and just have time to think and pray? Where might you go? How long would you hope to stay? How soon, do you think, it would be before someone found you?
Years ago when things were really rough for hubby and I and the bad news kept rolling in, we dreamed of just getting in the car with as much cash as we could put together and driving away. Going off the grid. Forever, if possible. We didn’t do that, of course, and it turned out just as well that we didn’t, but we were sorely tempted. Instead, we found ways to take short breaks, pray together, and eventually made it through the troubles of those days. Because people needed us, and the answers only we could provide. And, we realized, we were not alone in the midst of it all. God was with us.
If you are feeling like Jesus, wanting to get away by yourself, may you remember and be assured God knows how and what you are feeling. And knows what you need. And is with you.
My prayer is that peace settles into you soon. God loves you and so do I.
Blessings. And prayers.