Friday, April 24, 2020

Day #2306

April 24, 2020 

The word for this day - LOUD!!! 

Last year our home was damaged in a hailstorm - fence, gutters, roof, siding, a window screen all took quite the beating. The fence has long been repaired, but the weather changed before the roof and guttering could be replaced. Well, today is the day!!!

Just before 7:30 am this morning, a crew arrived and began the process of shingle removal. I’m thinking these guys would definitely put Santa and his reindeer on the roof to shame. Bang, pow, slide, bang, pow, drop, rattle, boom, bang!!! And...

Ahh…these are the sounds of repair and replacement. And are actually good sounds. But I have a feeling it might be a slightly LONG day!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2305

April 23, 2020

The word for the day - thankful. For leaders with good ideas, care for the church and others, and willingness to discuss, brainstorm and discern.

I am so grateful for the way the entire congregation is responding to the latest world crisis. I also know God is with us in the midst of the process and the decisions. We are not alone! None of us!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2304

April 22, 2020

Today is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, so Happy Earth Day!

Also, I had a wonderful end to the day, bedtime prayers (over the phone) with a couple of our young ones. What a wonderful way to connect!!! 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2303

April 21, 2020

Today’s Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Luke 24:18: Then one of them, whose name was Cleopas, answered him, “Are you the only stranger in Jerusalem who does not know the things that have taken place there in these days?” (NRSV)

The Road to Emmaus. Two walk along, discussing the events of the last week, when Jesus suddenly joins them and asks what they are discussing. No wonder they stop, look at him and declare, how can you not know what has happened. Have you been hiding under a rock? 

Years ago when I was in seminary, a fire broke out in one of the buildings on the other end of campus. Fire trucks came, people went running and shouting, it seemed the whole place knew what was happening. I, however, sat in my apartment, completely oblivious. (I need to mention the building with the fire was only about two city blocks away, if that far, from my apartment. I mean the entire seminary campus includes only about ten buildings and it only takes minutes to walk the campus, so it wasn’t that far away). 

Anyway, later that afternoon in class, someone said something about the fire. What fire, I asked?! Where were you, out of town? Didn’t you know?! I felt extremely foolish that I had somehow missed the entire thing. Fortunately there was not a lot of damage and no injuries, but I wondered how I could have missed being there for my classmates. How could I have been so self-absorbed?

I can only imagine how these two on the road feel about the new stranger. Who is he? What has he been doing? And I might have wondered what he wanted from us. Well, before the day is over, they will discover quite a bit about the stranger - he’s one known to them in ways that will change their lives forever. And many thousands in the future, including us and even more to come. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2302

April 20, 2020

Smile - it’s Monday! And spring seems to be here. Garden time, anyone?!

Blessings. And prayers. 

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Day #2301

April 19, 2020 

As Richard Rohr begins a week of writing in his blog about Teresa Avila, he shared this poem known as “Teresa’s Bookmark.” He wrote that it was found in her own prayer book after her death:

Let nothing disturb you.
Let nothing upset you.
Everything changes.
God alone is unchanging.
With patience all things are possible.
Whoever has God lacks nothing.
God alone is enough.

Seems an appropriate way to begin the week, doesn't it?!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2300

April 18, 2020

The word for the day - rest. It’s different than recuperating, but it has healing power, none the less. And I am grateful for it. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2299

April 17, 2020 

Well, this is the vacation that almost was. We should have begun driving east today to do some visiting, worshipping with folks we love and miss, and relaxing. We are trying not to be too disappointed, hoping we can simply reschedule our time away instead of cancelling it completely, realizing we are very fortunate in the midst of this pandemic. But we will miss seeing you all!!! A lot!!!

And I’m still getting back into the swing of things - really weak, but getting there. Thank you again for the prayers. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2298

April 16, 2020

Nearly a week later, I returned to the office to do a little work and catch up a tad. I am so grateful for God’s healing power. And a great nurse. :-)

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2297

April 15, 2020

Finally - on Wednesday, I am better enough to even smile. And eat a little "normal" food. There is hope!!!!

A special thanks to all the folks who have been praying, calling, texting, mailing, emailing, and sending positive thoughts and wishes. Your love and care is deeply appreciated!!. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2296

April 14, 2020 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from John 20:24: But Thomas (who was called the Twin), one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. (NRSV)

Where is Thomas? Why didn’t he come with us? What do you suppose he is doing now? With all the things I imagined Thomas doing, being home sick has never crossed my mind before. Until this year. What if Thomas had a stomach bug? What if his body finally gave in to the stress and busyness of the last couple of weeks? What if he just could not pull himself out of bed to be with the others? It wasn't because he didn't want to be there, he just couldn't do it.

And while he was gone, discussions were had. Decisions were made. And Jesus was seen. How could they have carried on without him, as if he wasn’t a part of the group any longer?! More importantly, how could he believe their testimony without seeing it for himself? Was he really asking for more than he should have been able to witness from the beginning? 

Being in bed has certainly brought a whole new perspective to Easter’s events. Who knows where Thomas was, right?!? But the good news is, Jesus did not disappoint. He came and offered peace to Thomas, just as he had to the rest of the disciples. And Jesus played no favorites. He still doesn’t!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2295

April 13, 2020 

This certainly seemed appropriate as a way to help me smile this week (even if it is about food - yuk!). Anyway, hope it makes you smile, too!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2294

April 12, 2020 

The good news?! It is this Good News - Christ is risen. He is risen indeed! Alleluia!!!

Happy Easter! Thanks be to God!!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2293

April 11, 2020 - The Daily Intersection - Day #2293

A trip to the Walk-in Clinic didn’t give me a lot of answers, but at least I know I should eventually be ok. Still sick today, however, so I am feeling the love for the staff and folks who were able to gather to tape a worship service for Easter. In nearly 12 years, I have not missed a Sunday (that I remember) due to being sick (even following gallbladder surgery I had on a Thursday). But today, I just could not make it. And it’s EASTER! Well, the body can only do what it can do. 

As I knew they would, the folks did a great job!! Jesus will be celebrated. The Good News will be proclaimed (even if most of the message came from Rev. David Lose and his weekly devotion). And I am recuperating. All is well, as they say, all is well.

But have I mentioned this will be a Holy Week to remember?!?!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2292

April 10, 2020 

Today I am grateful for these words from Catherine Malotky in the WELCA Blog - Daily Grace
Our celebration does not come without grief, however. There is no Easter without Good Friday. Those who loved Jesus and who saw him put to death on the cross grieved him deeply; they prepared his body for burial having no idea what was to come Easter morning. Even though we have the benefit of knowing the rest of the story—that death is not the end—this knowledge does not make the pain of our own personal Good Fridays any easier.
And the pains of Good Fridays come in many and varied ways. Grief. Fear. Anger. Exhaustion. Irreparable relationship breaks. Illness. 

And boy can I relate to the last one, as I spent most all day in bed, sick! Could this be the way my body has finally said - enough for a while!? Yikes!!! Not the virus, but not good, either. Prayers you all are well!!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2291

April 9, 2020 

So if I thought Palm Sunday was one to remember, how about filming a video devotion on/for Maundy Thursday, quickly followed by videoing Good Friday with our Presbyterian neighbors across the alley. No wonder tempers are short and an argument with the hubby ensued. Where is that peace I need?! Where is my tolerance?!? Where is my understanding and persevering spirit?!?! Lord, have mercy. What you must have endured that week!!!! I am humbled…and grateful!!!!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2290

April 8, 2020 

The daily devotion, d365, included these words from Paul Baxley today: 
Even when we betray him, Jesus is still waiting to welcome us home and invite us to serve him again. Betrayal doesn’t have the last word. Thank God, grace does. 
What a beautiful reminder on this Wednesday of Holy Week!

And just because we should have something to smile about in the middle of the week, here’s a photo of Simon and his brother while we were taking a few minutes to video chat/play. 

Isn’t this hysterical?! I certainly am thankful for this new way for us to stay in touch - Messenger for Kids. And thankful for their smiling faces!! Love you both!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2289

April 7, 2020 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Matthew 21:1: After the sabbath, as the first day of the week was dawning, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to see the tomb. (NRSV)

The women went to “see the tomb.” Isn’t that an odd thing to do!?! After all, they don’t take spices in the Gospel of Matthew. They don’t go to properly prepare Jesus’ body. Instead, we hear they go to “see the tomb.” When I was a young girl, I remember going later in the day with the family to see the grave of my grandfather. It was covered in flowers, and I was chilly because it was late November. And at my young age, I thought it was the oddest thing to do - go and “see the grave.” Why would we want to do that? As my family gathered together, they cried. They told stories. They even chuckled a time or two. But they were together at the last place where my grandfather would have been on this earth. 

Perhaps that is why the women went to “see the tomb.” To be where Jesus would have last been on earth? To be together in their grief? Can you imagine their shock and surprise when not only is the tomb empty, but the risen Jesus greets them?!?! 

This is the good news that will carry me through the rest of this Holy Week, even when we hear the awful events of Jesus’ final days. That there is more to come. That there is amazement to come. That there is great Good News to come. Yes, we can go to the tomb to see it, but Jesus won’t be there. Nope…he’s loose in the world. In and through us!! Thanks be to God!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2288

April 6, 2020 

When we came west, one of the unique things we discovered about where we now live is there is only one area code for the entire state. ONE! And so for many years, the state has celebrated 4/06 as MT Day. I love it!!

So to all of you, smile, and have a 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2287

April 5, 2020 

Well, this was certainly a Palm Sunday to remember. I cannot even begin to imagine how the rest of Holy Week will go. 

But for today, even though the building is empty, the church makes a statement along with the believers in Jerusalem: "Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest heaven!"

Also for this week, from 8:00-8:30 pm each evening, the congregation has been invited to turn on their front porch/house lights as a way to show the world the Light of the World shines through the church, wherever we are!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2286

April 4, 2020 

The word for the day - rest. Finally. Thanks be to God! And a wish for all who are struggling to have a respite from the challenges of this "new" world.

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2285

April 3, 2020 

In the midst of this “new normal,” I give thanks to all who helped make possible another worship video. Simply that - thank you!!!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2284

April 2, 2020

What a day - there is so much going on in people’s lives. Fear. Frustration. Confusion. There are decisions to make. Communication to be sent. The world seems to be on overload! And so am I. Which makes me wonder how I let myself miss the thing that has been centering me - the 3 + 3 at 3:00? It certainly made the rest of the day seem off. And not something I want to let happen very often!!

I found comfort, therefore, in these words shared by Rev. David Lose and written by Brené Brown: “courage is not the absence of fear or vulnerability, but rather is the ability to persevere in the midst of fear and vulnerability.”

Perseverance. A good word. Something good to remember. 

Blessings. And prayers.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Day #2283

April 1, 2020 

The word for the day - thankful! For all this technology, even though it can sometimes drive us a bit crazy. Today I had a brief video chat with our godson. What fun to see him online and even “play a game” with him. I also had a chance to connect with a couple of the High School Youth through an online meeting. How good it was to do something almost “normal” on Wednesday, and to laugh and catch up! 

Yes, I am thankful - for phone calls, text messages, email - all of what helps us stay connected.

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2282

 March 31, 2020 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Matthew 21, verses 1-3: When they had come near Jerusalem and had reached Bethphage, at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, “Go into the village ahead of you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her; untie them and bring them to me. If anyone says anything to you, just say this, ‘The Lord needs them.’ And he will send them immediately.” (NRSV)

This coming Sunday is Palm Sunday. It will certainly be unlike any I have experienced, with virtual worship and all, but the event remains just as important. Sunday we will hear about Jesus coming into Jerusalem for his final time. He knows what he will face there, yet he still has things to do and preparations to make for the week. Part of his need includes finalizing how he will enter the city. Have you ever wondered why Jesus sent his disciples for a donkey? Why would the King of the Jews not come on a majestic white steed? Also, how does he know the owner will "send them immediately" when the disciples explain the Lord needs them? 

I believe Jesus came into Jerusalem humbly as one of the final indications that his kingdom was very different than the Jews expected. A white steed would indicate a very different type of king. Also, doesn’t Jesus know the heart and mind of us all, meaning he had no doubt what the donkey owner’s reaction would be. 

Yet, those words, “The Lord needs them,” can apply to so many things. The Lord needs our open hearts and minds. The Lord needs our willingness to serve. The Lord needs the church, the people, to be his hands and feet in the world now. The Lord needs our courage. The Lord needs our hope and trust. The Lord needs, the Lord needs us. What an honor and privilege that is! May we respond by sending/giving what he needs, immediately.

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2281

March 30, 2020 

This made me smile today and I thought it just might do the same for you:

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2280

March 29, 2020

Joint worship with several congregations - not a new concept. Live-streaming a joint worship service on Sunday morning with leaders from five Lutheran congregations - from the chapel of a funeral home - now that’s a new concept! But we did it. And it seemed to work. And we are thankful for the offer from a local funeral home to use their technology to share the word. 

Here we are trying to social distance yet show our joy in working together. 

That’s how we will ALL get through this - by working together. In fact, that might be the “best” thing we all will learn from this.

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2279

March 28, 2020 -

I saw this picture on FaceBook today and had to share it with my sister-in-law. What an appropriate commemoration this would be for the first quarter of 2020, don’t you think?! ;-) 

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2278

March 27, 2020 

You know, I don’t remember a single class in seminary that had to do with videography. So I am finding this "virtual" worship experience somewhat challenging, yet it is a labor of love. Actually, it is something I am glad to be learning. But…I’m also thankful for an underutilized and untapped (until now) talent in our musician who has skills as a film master. Thank you so much for your help!!!!

I have to admit, however, that because of what is happening in our world and our town, I repeated these words several times today, like a mantra: God is with us. God is with us. God is with us. 

Keep breathing, folks! God IS with us!

Blessings. And prayers.

Day #2277

March 26, 2020

With sadness, I posted this note on the church FaceBook page today: 
Please note the decision has been made to close the office for regular hours until further notice. Please contact me for an appointment or for anything needed. Our Parish Administrator will be working from home. Thank you for your patience as we work through all this together. God bless and keep you. 
A little while later, I posted this update: 
A reminder - an office closure doesn’t mean the church is stopped. We, the people, are the church - and we are always open: open hearts, open minds, open hands, open to hope and healing and God’s mercy. And we, the church, are shining God’s light as we check in and on one another, 3 + 3 at 3:00 together, and pray. Always pray. Blessings. And prayers. 
Yes, we ARE the church, and as someone else posted on FaceBook: the church hasn’t closed, it’s been deployed. I am so grateful for the ways the church continues to be church! God loves you and so do I!

Blessings. And prayers.

PS 3 + 3 at 3:00 is reading scripture for three minutes and praying for three minutes at 3:00 pm. We are virtually being together as we immerse ourselves in the scripture and ascend our prayers to God. Won't you join us, too?!