Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Day #2218

January 27, 2020

Wouldn't this be great!?!? But then Tuesday would be Monday!

Oh well, smile - and have a good week!


Day #2217

January 26, 2020 

The word for the day - thankful. For another good year, another upbeat annual meeting, and another delicious meal provided by the Parish Life Committee. 

Yes, thankful!!! And looking forward to year 2020!


Day #2216

January 25, 2020 

Happy Chinese New Year!! 

I appreciated being reminded of today's significance, and that I was born in the year of the rat. Consider these strengths of those born in the year of the rat: adaptable, smart, cautious, acute, alert, positive, flexible, outgoing, cheerful. I like to think that some of those are applicable. 

Now here are the weaknesses: timid, unstable, stubborn, picky, lack of persistence, querulous (a complainer). Hmmm…some of those, I must admit, are also applicable.

Perhaps the most ironic, however, is my “love compatibility.” Never, ever, should a rat marry a horse. Guess what my hubby is? Yep, a horse. Well, just goes to show predictions may not always be accurate. Thankfully!


Day #2215

January 24, 2020

With all being ready for the upcoming Annual Meeting, and the sermon completed early this morning, I was ready to have the rest of the day off. Who knew I would end up having a great, albeit lengthy, conversation with someone about church and community and faith?! 

I suppose those opportunities are often waiting for us to jump into. But on a Friday?!?!


Day #2214

January 23, 2020

Between the Women of the ELCA Bible Study, Confirmation, and two consecutive Sundays of Gospel scripture, I am finding it may not be a coincidence that “call” keeps coming up. Consider these: God’s call is to “Come and see” who Jesus is and what he is really about; God calls ordinary folks to be disciples; God’s call or purpose for our life is placed upon every person in some way; Jesus calls folks to Come and Follow Me and expects a response as he makes an invitation to a new reality. 

How do you see God’s call playing out in your life? In what ways have you doing whatever you do to the best of your ability and to God’s glory solidified you are living out your call? How important do you consider God’s call to be in your life? There is much to think about, especially since “call” won’t leave me be. Hmmm….guess it never has. 


Day #2213

January 22, 2020 

The word for the day - wondering. The longer I spend in the part of my call that is teaching, the more I wonder about my gift in that area. Especially with middle schoolers. As much as I enjoy being with the youth, I have to admit I wonder sometimes if the time is producing any fruit. 

Then I remember, my call is to plant the seeds, maybe water those that someone else planted, and let God do the growing. Thank you for the reminder of my place, God, and that relationship is hugely important - and we’re certainly building that.


Day #2212

January 21, 2020

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Isaiah 9:2: The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness — on them light has shined. (NRSV)

Years ago I spent an afternoon in a planetarium. We were there for a “star show” depicting what the night sky could have looked like when Jesus was born. What I remember about the time there, however, was not the stars in the sky, but the utter darkness of the room before the show began. It was so dark that I could not see my hand right in front of my face. There was pitch darkness unlike anything I ever remember before or since. And I have to admit it was frightening. Even though I was in a safe place with people I knew, I was intimidated by the completeness of the dark. Would there be light again? 

I imagine this type of darkness in the land where Isaiah brings the Good News of light shining. Into that place of utter hopelessness and into that time of fear comes God’s light, bringing with it hope and peace. This is a good reminder that no matter what the darkest times in our lives are like, God’s light is with us. Always. Which can be like a hug - which is appropriate for National Hugging Day. 

Consider, therefore, you have been hugged by God - today and everyday - and take time to thank God for being our light and our hope.


Monday, January 20, 2020

Day #2211

January 20, 2020

This made me smile and I hope it does you, too. 


Day #2210

January 19, 2020 

I have been wondering lately - what does it take for you to call a day good? Does it depend on the weather? Maybe it is when certain folks reach out to you? Is it a day without pain? A day without confrontation? Perhaps it is getting to each appointment on time? Maybe catching all the green lights and getting parking spaces near the door? Or maybe something totally different? 

Maybe it is simply a song that makes your feet tap - thank you to the choir for doing that for me today. Joy!


Day #2209

January 18, 2020 

Another day to be thankful - good news about the yearend finances of the congregation, celebrating a birthday, a holy-ground conversation with someone, folks checking in, and even a little rest. All in all, a really good day!


Day #2208

January 17, 2020

The word for the day - thankful. In studying for the upcoming sermon, I have to say how much I appreciate the fresh insights into scripture from something called SALT. They almost always put some twist to scripture that makes sense to me. The “epiphany” for this week’s gospel (John 1:29-42) makes me excited to share: Jesus as liberator/freer from the affects of sin. Come and see! 


PS - The sermon will be uploaded on YouTube - search for the day and OSLC Sermon.

Day #2207

January 16, 2020

Home…to a rude weather awakening. Folks have been braving cold temperatures well below zero. But I had to smile when we landed and deplaned. As someone came through the plane door into the very cold walkway, they let out a very loud - YIKES! - then said, “I wasn’t expecting this cold.” My thought was, what did you expect -3 degrees to feel like?!?! 

It is certainly good to be home and back to “normal” - making visits, getting work done, and meeting with the council. All is well!!


Day #2206

January 15, 2020 

Listen….act….reflect. Those are the three parts of what we have been learning this week. Listen to God, act on what we hear or feel led to do, and reflect on those actions. When it comes down to it, this is a pretty simple learning. What might the results be? I trust God knows and will lead us. 

Then there was this hummingbird. 

As we ate our lunch, we were gifted with seeing this little guy feast on the flowers near our table. It has been a long time since I have seen a hummingbird, and this week I have been fortunate to see two. Really cool!


Day #2205

January 14, 2020 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Isaiah 49:1b: The Lord called me before I was born, while I was in my mother’s womb he named me. (NRSV) 

“Call” is often associated with pastors or others who work in the church, when someone feels they have some specific work to do in the church. (When my mother told a friend that I had received a “call” to go to seminary, her friend wanted to know who from the Synod Office had called me. We had a good chuckle.) But this verse from Isaiah has nothing to do with that kind of call. This is a reminder that we are all called by God, even before we are born, and given a name. Just like we are given a name, or a nickname, from other humans, we have a name given to us by God - God’s child. Which gives us a reason for being here on earth - to be loved and cared for by the one who creates us - and a purpose - to love and care for the others God creates…and that is everyone. 


Day #2204

January 13, 2020

This is probably inappropriate for me to use as a laugh for the week since my continuing education is in warm and sunny Phoenix, AZ, but this taste of warmth has given me a yearning for the spring to come. Smile - it’s getting closer. :-)


PS This is the view from the balcony of my room at the retreat center - mountains without snow and sunny blue sky. I suppose continuing education can't be all bad in a setting like this. 

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Day #2203

January 12, 2020 

As I splashed in the baptismal font water with the kids this morning at the Time with Children, I reminded them that they received a new name at their baptism, Child of God. Then I asked the question, how long does this new name last? FOREVER! one enthusiastically answered. 

Oh, yes, dear child. Oh, yes! Thanks be to God!


Day #2202

January 11, 2020 

When someone you know and love is hurting, you hurt. When there is nothing you can do to fix it, you pray. And worry, I must admit. And do your best to listen and be supportive.

It is good that God knows our hearts, and all of our hurts. And is with us. Always. And can bring healing we would never expect. Thanks be to God!


Day #2201

January 10, 2020

Happy Birthday, dear Simon! Happy Birthday to you!!

Enjoy this last “single digit” birthday. We sure love you! And your fashionista self. 


Day #2200

January 9, 2020

After some rather unseasonable weather, the snow is back. Not too much, but enough to cover the ground with soft and fluffy whiteness. Oh, and it’s cold, too. But the weather says much colder weather is coming. Guess winter is finally here. 

But on another note, the ladies met today for our monthly lunch. We were fewer in number, but not less in laughter and enjoyment of one another’s company. I give thanks for this regular event, and those who attend. It is a highlight!


Day #2199

January 8, 2020 

Wednesday’s regular schedule is back in place. Yay! And today the intersection came for me as we are struggling through a study of Romans at noon Bible Study. Paul does some difficult teaching in this letter, but the one verse that spoke to me loudest was chapter 11, verse 29: for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. (NRSV)

This is a comforting promise, that God’s gifts and calling are irrevocable and that God does not go back on God’s promises or take away any gifts. Even if it seems God has pulled away from us, or abandoned us, because of events in our lives or the world, that is not true. These are good words to remember, especially in times of struggle. Thank you, Paul, for the reassurance.


Day #2198

January 7, 2020 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Matthew 3:16: And when Jesus had been baptized, just as he came up from the water, suddenly the heavens were opened to him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. (NRSV)

I was baptized at the age of 19. Now, I am certainly not saying that the Spirit of God descended on me that morning like a dove as it did for Jesus, but I will say that the Spirit of God was present. It was almost palpable. And there was joy. 

I will say with certainty, however, that I had no idea on that day what the future journey would look like. I knew baptism was a beginning, an adoption, an assurance of a new identity as Child of God, but what that would mean for me individually was unknown at that moment. But God knew. Just as God knows for each one of us what God needs our journey to be. Suffice it to say that loving God, and loving neighbor, is just the start. 

As we celebrate the Baptism of our Lord on Sunday, may we all be reminded that God's claim on us in baptism is just the beginning. And know that we are beloved.  


PS Another reason to celebrate is that the sound system has been fixed. Thanks to the work of an expert, Sunday should go much smoother. Thank you!!!

Day #2197

January 6, 2020 

Seems appropriate for the Day of Epiphany - and a smile for the week.


Day #2196

January 5, 2020 

What a start to the new year! We knew there was a problem with the sound system, but things got worse just before worship today. While trying to tweak the system and eliminate the low squeal, there was a loud boom/hum. It was time to just turn the whole thing off and have worship service without the speakers. Fortunately, the acoustics in the sanctuary allowed for things to go ok, but I have a renewed appreciation for the technology that provides a good sound system. 

More importantly, in another congregation at another worship service, Simon served his first day as acolyte. He looks very intent and focused about what he is doing. And we are proud godparents. 


Saturday, January 4, 2020

Day #2195

January 4, 2020

The word for the day - windy! The tumbleweeds are tumbling, the dust is flying, the Tyvek on the new home being constructed across the street is flapping, and the dog is restless. What a day!

Then I remember the fires in Australia, the unrest in the middle east, those who are hungry and homeless, the fear that fills the hearts of many, and I am reminded to pause and pray: Almighty God, while I anxiously watch the affects of the wind from the comfort of my home, I am reminded of the many who are without four walls of protection. Give me empathy for those without peace or sufficient supplies for their needs. Inspire me with ideas for ways to be of help. Mostly, however, I pray for you to grant your hope to the hopeless, your calm to those who are afraid, your desire for mercy to those who make decisions, your Light to those who are in darkness, and your help for me to trust your presence in the future and for whatever comes. Amen. 


Day #2194

January 3, 2020 

The word for the day - quiet. No appointments. No calls. Only one text message and hardly any emails. Quiet! I give thanks for a day to rest, reflect and ponder the season. A good day!


Day #2193

January 2, 2020 

Sometimes the events in other people’s lives bring us cause for concern. There is not anything that can be done to “fix” the situation, especially if we are far away, but our care for them makes us worry. Isn’t there something we can do?

Certainly there is. We can always pray. Sometimes just knowing that we are being remembered in prayer brings comfort, and the reassurance of God’s presence in the midst of anything that happens to us. 

The Lord surround you with peace, dear friend, and grant you protection and guidance!


Day #2192

January 1, 2020 

Happy New Year!!!

Let us begin this new year, and new decade, with a prayer taken from the ELW worship book: 
Eternal God, you have placed us in a world of space and time, and through the events of our lives you bless us with your love. Grant that in the new year we may know your presence, see your love at work, and live in the light of the event that gives us hope forever - the coming of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Day #2191

December 31, 2019

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from the Celebration of the Epiphany of our Lord, Matthew 2:11: On entering the house, [the wise men from the east] saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. (NRSV)

It’s difficult to imagine that all the gifts the wise men brought are ones that show proper respect for a king. Perhaps gold and frankincense make sense. They are certainly gifts we would consider appropriate: gold is valuable and frankincense is a symbol of deity. But myrrh?!?! What sort of king needs to be prepared as a child for his impending death? 

Someone recently asked how Jesus grew up so quickly. It’s no wonder that we think Jesus goes from infant to adult in a few short days. Next Sunday, January 12, we will celebrate the baptism of Jesus and he was no infant at his baptism. Truth is, we know very little about Jesus from age two until about age thirty. Then, in three short years after that, he is hung on a cross. 

Death seems to come quickly for our Lord. So maybe myrrh was appropriate for this king after all. Fortunately, it would only be needed for three days. 


Day #2190

December 30, 2019 

On the sixth day of Christmas, these six geese “a-laying'” look pretty good to me. 

Hmmm…..is this the time to do some relaxing?!?! I believe so!


Day #2189

December 29, 2019

Today we gathered for a service of Lessons and Carols focused on the naming of Jesus. The angel had told Joseph to name the child Jesus that Mary would give birth to because “he will save his people from their sins” (see Matthew 1:21). Jesus is a derivation from the Hebrew word Yeshua, which is to deliver. 

Yet, deeply concerning, is another part of the story of Christmas that we usually miss hearing. It is about the slaughter of the firstborn male children up to two years of age because of King Herod’s fear and anger (see Matthew 2:16-18). In trying to find and destroy the child Jesus, Herod had innocent children slain. How horrific is that!! What an abuse of power in an attempt to maintain control. It sounds like something right out of the current news. And is a part of the story that is certainly hard to swallow. No wonder it never appears in any nativity scenes or on Christmas cards.

It seems that even at the beginning of his life, Jesus’ “name” would be questioned. His coming meant deliverer for some, yet unbelievably death for others. And still does. These are difficult thoughts for the fifth day of Christmas, yet also ones to ponder and pray about.
