Thursday, October 24, 2019

Day #2123

October 24, 2019

Richard Rohr shared this poem in his daily blog today, and I share it with you. He is writing this week about being our true self, loving who God created us to be. The author, Rainer Maria Rilke (1875–1926), shares this perspective:
God speaks to each of us as he makes us,
then walks with us silently out of the night.
These are the words we dimly hear:
You, sent out beyond your recall,
go to the limits of your longing.
Embody me.
Flare up like flame
and make big shadows I can move in.
Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror.
Just keep going. No feeling is final.
Don’t let yourself lose me.
Nearby is the country they call life.
You will know it by its seriousness.
Give me your hand. 


Day #2122

October 23, 2019

It’s Wednesday. As is typical of the day, it was filled with seeing/being with folks. Study groups, breakfast groups, individuals, youth, hubby, friends, and more. I am grateful for the many connections, some newly made and others nurtured. 

Wednesdays are such a joy! And if you are reading this as one who I regularly see on Wednesday, thank you for being a part of those special days! I am grateful for you.


Day #2121

October 22, 2019

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Jeremiah 31:33: But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. (NRSV)

This coming Sunday is Reformation. The verse from Jeremiah comes from one of the readings traditionally used for this Sunday. I personally think this is a beautiful image - God being our God and us being God’s people. It is a promise that leaves no doubts. No worries. No fears. God being our God simply because God loves us. And we will KNOW it, because God will write the knowledge on our heart. Think about this: if we believe the Holy Spirit lives within us, this isn’t just an image. It’s truth. Thanks be to God!

Oh, and speaking of an image, I took this photo showing the cold front coming in. It doesn't really do justice to the awesomeness of nature.


Day #2120

October 21, 2019 

The older I get, the “funnier,” and more appropriate, this seems to be. Can anyone else relate?

Also, here’s the latest photo of Simon, thanks to Althouse Photography, who his momma hired to take special pictures. Oh, sweet boy, you are growing up so fast!!!

And one more thing. The congregation is now on Instagram! Search for oslcgf to find and follow us. Looking forward to one more way to connect.


Day #2119

October 20, 2019 

The word for the day - thankful! For worship, for fellowship, and for Jesus’ meal of forgiveness and grace. And for a beautiful afternoon to take Boomer for a ride. Yes, a great day!


Day #2118

October 19, 2019

The gospel for Sunday is Luke 18:1-8 - the parable of the widow who keeps coming to the "unjust" judge, seeking mercy. The judge finally gives in to her request simply because he tires of her persistence. Jesus told this parable as a way to encourage the disciples to pray without losing hope. I have always had difficulty with this parable because it seems the unjust judge may be the one representing God. I have never understood that perspective - how can God be an unjust judge with no respect for God or people?

Thanks to the commentary from the SALT Project, I was presented with a new perspective. What if the widow is the one who represents God? That changes the lesson dramatically. The widow never gives up. She continues to seek mercy and justice. She trusts the judge to do the “right” thing in the end. Doesn’t God need us to be persistent in seeking justice? Doesn’t God need us to trust God? I’m thinking the sermon just took a radical turn.


PS You can check out YouTube, searching for October 20, 2019 OSLC Sermon to listen. What are your thoughts?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Day #2117

October 18, 2019 

After a two-week busy streak with hardly a break, today was a real day off. I don’t mean to complain about being busy, because everything I have been doing is important and mostly joyful. However, having no break is not healthy. So today included running errands, getting a little extra sleep, doing some light reading, cooking, doing laundry, and spending time with the hubby, all of which helped to re-energize me. Along with prayer. Lots of prayer - giving thanks and asking for God’s help and direction for the days ahead. 

A big hats off to all those who don’t get many breaks - single parents, ranchers and farmers come to mind first. Prayers for you all!! You rock!!


Day #2116

October 17, 2019 

The word for the day - thankful. This time for a gracious family. 

The worst thing, in my opinion, happened today during a Memorial Service. In delivering the message, I spoke the deceased person’s name about five times. After the last time, I suddenly realized I had been saying the wrong name - I was using an incorrect nickname for the person’s given name. I stopped right then and apologized, to much laughter from the family, and made a correction. Turns out, however, I also mispronounced the correction. I was mortified. This is about the worst mistake I think can be made - using the wrong name in a funeral. But this family was so forgiving and gracious. Our loved one would understand, they said, and forgive quickly. 

Thank you! Your forgiveness means very much to me and is a powerful witness. The Lord be with you all in your time of grieving.


Day #2115

October 16, 2019

After all the complaining about the weather and the early snow storms, I have to stop and give thanks. Today was simply beautiful. Beautiful! A truly beautiful day! Thanks be to God! :-) 


Day #2114

October 15, 2019 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from 2 Timothy 4:3: For the time is coming when people will not put up with sound doctrine, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own desires. (NRSV)

This verse reminds me of the question a young person once asked me: Why are there so many denominations? If there are so many who teach differently, who is right? I was discussing this question in Bible Study when someone said, a pastor once told me something like this - Lutherans are right. We’re just not the only ones who are. 

Perhaps we humans do have “itching ears” and want to be taught more of what we already believe, so that means different denominations. But I’ve also heard, don’t confuse me with the facts, I know what I believe. Surely there will always be someone who teaches what we believe, or want to believe. Which begs the question - what then is sound doctrine? I suppose the answer to that is - what is the main thing? Perhaps verse 3:15 of 2nd Timothy holds the clue.


Day #2113

October 14, 2019 

Some of you know about me and my penchant for stockpiling toilet paper. Yes, I know it seems crazy, but I don’t like the idea of running out of this important, I think, item. So this made me smile - hope it does you, also:


Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Day #2112

October 13, 2019

After the Children’s message, we always end the “lesson” with a prayer. Today’s was, “Dear God, thank you. Amen.” (remember today’s readings were all about gratitude). One of the kids said, “is that it?!?!” Yes, sometimes it is enough to just tell God thank you. It is also, I might add, important to remember to do so.


Day #2111

October 12, 2019

The word for the day - thankful. And a little sad, too. First the thankful - I met two ladies who could have been Cindy and me. These two travel together. They were laughing together. They even said they consider themselves sisters, although they are from very different backgrounds. One was even almost bald from radiation treatments. It was most eerie meeting them, yet comforting, too. What a gift to have that kind of friendship. I think they realize it, too. 

I was also reminded, sadly, of the pain some folks carry because of the church. In meeting another person, I heard their story of how the “rules” and judgment have damaged their trust in community, yet how much they miss it. Oh, Lord, have mercy, and bring healing. May this person one day find a “home.”


Day #2110

October 11, 2019

In preparing for this upcoming Sunday, I was reading a commentary from SALT when this line stuck out: “Gratitude, not obeisance or obedience, is the natural echo of grace.” Gratitude, and our living it out, is a response to what God has done and does for us in grace. Can we really be anything other than grateful for God’s unconditional love of us? Should we keep that gratefulness hidden? Of course not. It should spill out through our lips, hands, and feet, always bringing glory to God.

Help me, God, to show gratitude and live gratefully as I write, run errands, attend a funeral, conduct a wedding rehearsal, and more. Amen.


Day #2109

October 10, 2019 

Well, Ladies Lunch had its first flop. The service at the restaurant we chose for today was, shall we say, less than stellar. Well, actually, it was almost non-existent. And the food, mediocre. But the company was still good!!!

I suppose one “bad” lunch in all this time is to be expected. Fortunately, there is next month at a new place. We all felt bad for the server who was trying her best, but was in over her head. Hope it gets better for her!


Day #2108

October 9, 2019 

The word around town - how did you enjoy fall this year? You know, those two days during the last couple of weeks when we had nice weather. Yes, you may have guessed, there is more snow!! Lots more. Again! It is going to be a LONG several months if the weather stays like this. Oh well, nothing we can do to change the weather.

Sometimes, there is nothing we can do to fix a “human” situation either. And that is frustrating to someone who believes there has to be an answer to every “problem.” Well, I guess there really is an answer to every problem - pray about it. Sometimes we just have to give the person and their dilemma to God and trust God to solve it. So, God, here it is. If there is something I can or need to do, direct and guide me. Otherwise, it’s yours. Help me to stop worrying over it. Amen. 


Day #2107

October 8, 2019

This Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture is from 2 Kings 5:13: But [Naaman’s] servants approached and said to him, "Father, if the prophet had commanded you to do something difficult, would you not have done it? How much more, when all he said to you was, 'Wash, and be clean’?"

Naaman, a well-respected and mighty warrior who was commander of the king’s army, has a major problem - leprosy. Somehow he has managed to stay in command, but he’s suffering. One of the young servant girls, who was taken captive in a raid, thinks she knows how to help. The prophet from her hometown would know how to heal him. So the king Naaman serves sends word to the king of Israel for help, and subsequently the prophet sends a messenger to Naaman - go and wash seven times in the river Jordan, and your skin will be restored and you will be clean. Now, one might think Naaman would be thrilled to only have to do what was suggested. But instead he is indignant. Surely this prophet could bother himself to come and tell me this himself!! And surely I could wash in some other river!! And surely there must be more to do than just wash!! Then comes verse 13 - aren’t you being a little silly, the servants seem to say. Would you have been happier if the answer was more complicated?!

Many years ago I was in a council meeting where we were discussing building the new sanctuary. The plan was one wall would contain the “music” area - the organ, piano, choir chairs, mounted speakers, and a very special stained glass window featuring music. But there was a problem - where the speaker “box” would be mounted obstructed a clear view of this special window. What are we going to do? Move the music area? Change the window? Restructure the whole idea? There was discussion, and more discussion, and arguments, and after what seemed like hours of debate, one person raised their hand. "What if the speaker “box” was lowered by about a foot? Would that take care of the problem?" There was dead silence. Surely the answer could not be that simple! Surely it would require a visit with the architect and the interior designer! Surely this "untrained" person could not have a solution! But, yes, that was the solution. Problem solved.

Don’t we often think that when God is involved the "answer" to a dilemma should be as mighty and powerful and awesome as God is? Aren’t we taken off guard when God simply says, be still, all will be well? Thank you, Naaman, for the reminder that God is often in the stillness instead of the storm. 


Monday, October 7, 2019

Day #2106

October 7, 2019

This may explain why my scale keeps staying out of balance. :-(

But I have to say, I thought this was funny. May it also bring you a smile this week. 


Day #2105

October 6, 2019

Our community participated again in the annual CROP Walk to help end hunger. Through the generosity of many folks, and many folks' willingness to spend a part of their day walking, several thousand dollars was raised, a portion of which will remain in the community and the rest go around the world where needed. What a great event - and a reminder that there are so many folks who wish to make a difference in the world. Perhaps one day there will be no need for such an event because there will be plenty to eat for all.


PS A special shout-out, too, to the confirmation youth who were able to participate. Your witness is appreciated. 

Day #2104

October 5, 2019 

The talents and gifts of women and men often amaze me, almost as much as their willingness to selflessly share them. Craftiness in sewing, woodworking, baking, and more was showcased today at the WELCA Fall Festival. Oh, and let’s not forget cooking and making music, too! 

Many folks were able to enjoy some shopping and a good lunch with entertainment. So thank you to everyone who worked long hours to help make it happen, and to those who shared their talents. We are richly blessed! And so will folks be in our community with the proceeds from the event. 


Day #2103

October 4, 2019 

The hubby and I were able to attend an author event at the local book store. As he discussed the book he has written, one of the things that he said about his subject stuck with me: he took "advantage of each new vantage point.” In other words, maybe he was not so much destined for an amazing life, but that he would get to a particular place in life and then figure out from there the next thing. 

We often look at folks and think they live a charmed life or a life they were “destined” to live because they are fortunate or born into the “right” family or place. Perhaps this author is correct, however, and folks can take advantage of opportunities at each part of their life that lead them to the next best thing. 

I also believe, however, that God has a hand in all this.


Day #2102

October 3, 2019 

As we prayed yesterday at Bible Study, I realized just how much pain has been a part of this last week. Several families I know are grieving fresh deaths, surgeries, and unexpected diagnoses. There is also the fact that grieving doesn’t end at a definite time. Sometimes years, even decades later, the pain can still be very real. Even raw. Yes, everyone hurts at some point. So here is the hope that the assurance of God’s love for us - always and no matter what - is helpful and comforting.


Day #2101

October 2, 2019

The word for the day - thankful. Today I am thankful for the variety of a day in ministry: prayer, laughter, phone calls, visits, decisions made, people met, Bible studied, and more. Without a doubt, a day is never dull (especially a Wednesday). 


Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Day #2100

October 1, 2019 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture is based on 2 Timothy 1:5: I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that lived first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, lives in you. (NRSV)

This passage made me immediately think about my grandma, Cumie. It was her sincere faith that served as a testament and inspiration for me, especially as I entered adulthood. Her devotion to the church, to reading and studying scripture, and serving others taught me much and I believe it now lives in me, through the help of the Holy Spirit.

Who is the “grandma” or “mother” in your life whose sincere faith now lives in you? Who are you passing faith along to? Who might, years or decades from now, give thanks for your witness? 


Day #2099

September 30, 2019

Ok, I ranted a little yesterday about our snow event, but I still think this is appropriate as a laugh for the week. 

Can you imagine the folks who thought visiting Glacier in September would be perfect. Yikes!


Day #2098

September 29, 2019 

Notice the date - September 29 - only a few days into fall and this is a picture from yesterday on the road to our house

and again from today

Yep - that is snow. SNOW!! And not just a dusting, either. Nineteen (19!) inches officially fell, but “just” nine (9) inches was the cumulative depth, according to the local meteorologist. Yes, they actually used the word, JUST! “Just” 9 inches deep. Well, I’m "just" sayin’, but this seems a little early in the year for this kind of event. And it certainly affected much of the state in not so great ways.  

Yet, worship still happened and some hearty souls were inspired by stories and a message about the Cape Orange Diocese, a companion synod of ours (thank you Pastor Peggy). Then we were treated to a surprise…homemade chicken noodle soup and cheddar biscuits. Yum!! Seems no amount of snow can dampen, or bury, the message of God’s love. :-)


Day #2097

September 28, 2019 

Today marks my 11th anniversary of ordination. I have lost count of the number of weddings, funerals, baptisms, Bible Studies, worship services, celebrations of Holy Communion, conversations, tears, hugs, moments of encouragement and moments of anguish/frustration that have formed these years of serving as pastor. 

However, it isn’t the numbers of "tasks" that matter, because the journey has been about the people. Those who inspire, challenge, support, criticize, are passionate about deepening their faith, serve in big ways and small, have shared with me and trusted me, who pray, worship, study, show up and witness. I am thankful for each of you and gently hold your stories, memories, thoughts, fears, joys and dreams deep in my heart. God has placed each of you in my path and I am humbled and grateful. Thank you!! And as always…


Day #2096

September 27, 2019

When I delivered the banner for the upcoming CROP Walk to the folks at Midway Rental who are making a donation to help with advertising the day, I noticed this and asked if I could take a picture. 

Seems to me these Operating Principles are appropriate to consider in more than just a workplace - really all of daily life with family, friends, school, play, shopping, etc.

Thank you for the inspiration - and the donation. Your generosity and work ethic are encouraging.
