Monday, April 29, 2019

Day #1940

April 24, 2019 

The word for the day - thankful! For good surgery. All went as was hoped, according to the surgeon, and I decided he has two important qualities - confidence and good bedside manner. Both of these gifts helped to calm my nerves and fears. 

Thank you, God, for giving the needed gifts to people who use them to help others. Yet, ultimately, we trust you as the Great Physician. Amen. 


Day #1939

April 23, 2019 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from John 20:25: So the other disciples told [Thomas], "We have seen the Lord." But he said to them, "Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe.” (NRSV)

Years ago I tried to tell a friend something about an insurance policy and the coverage it would provide. Having been in the insurance industry for many years, I was certain of the information I was sharing. Yet, what I said differed from how another insurance person had informed my friend and he was having a hard time deciding who knew best. Don’t you believe me, I asked him? Would I lie to you? His answer, “Not intentionally.” 

I imagine that is similar to Thomas’ response to his co-disciples. They wouldn’t intentionally lie to him, would they? Or was Thomas less refusing to believe and more wanting to experience what the others had. After all, he was with them when the next opportunity came along - and Jesus did not disappoint. 

But what I really thought about when I read this - won't Thomas believe, or can't he? Is there a difference? We humans have a tendency to “can’t” believe unless we see proof of something (like my friend). But without proof, as in matters of faith, do we harden our hearts and “won’t” believe? Hmmm…

Lord, help us in our unbelief, disbelief, can’t belief and won’t belief. Amen.


PS And a fun moment as we await tomorrow morning - watching surfing on the river. Yep, several folks were out with surf boards and kayaks enjoying the high water. 

I had to see it myself to believe it! Ok, I know, sounds like Thomas, doesn’t it!?!?

Day #1938

April 22, 2019

As the planning and preparation of Lent and Holy Week culminate with Easter Sunday, another time of preparation also nears an end. My husband has been patiently waiting for months to have his shoulder repaired/replaced, and the day is nearly here. Tomorrow we head to another town to meet with the surgeon for the Wednesday surgery date. So today, we finish our errands and preparations, get a little rest (HaHa), and try to make certain all is ready. And we pray for all those who are awaiting surgical procedures, test results, and healing!

Oh, but the real moment of intersection came through a text message - which translation of the Bible should I purchase? What a great question and a great moment of joy that someone is planning to read the word of God! Awesome! Wish I had one of those types of texts every day!


Day #1937

April 21, 2019

Sunday dawns, and we give thanks and praise:

Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! We don’t understand how. We can’t imagine what it all really means. Yet we are grateful that the sting of death we waded through on Friday and Saturday is healed by the Good News that Jesus has risen above and beyond the grave. And with that Good News, we also are promised the possibility of life eternal with him. Thank you, God, for having a plan we could not ever imagine. Praise your Holy and Precious name! Amen. Alleluia!


Day #1936

April 20, 2019 

A prayer for Saturday:

O God, we wait. We wonder. We prepare. We hope. Help us. Amen. 


Day #1935

April 19, 2019 

A prayer for Good Friday:

O God, the day went dark. Even the earth seemed to cry. Jesus, the teacher, healer, prophet, and suspected king, hung and died. What do we do? How can we understand? What does it all mean? As someone once said, remind us that Sunday’s coming! Help us to trust your plan. Amen. 

Two very special worship services helped mark the importance of this Good Friday. A Stations of the Cross walk with the Ministerial Association was very special and hopefully a witness to the community. And a joint worship service with our neighbor congregation across the alley reminded us of the agony of the day, with hope that there is more to the story. Thank you, God!


Day #1934

April 18, 2019 

A prayer for Maundy Thursday:

Loving God, as Jesus showed us how to love one another by serving one another, guide us to live our lives focused on love and service. Thank you, also, for giving us a meal, a new covenant, that reminds us of your love, grace, and forgiveness. Amen.

Also, a celebration happened at the worship service for this night of Holy Week - the first Holy Communion for one of the youth. We give thanks for his parent’s commitment, and for his life of faith. 


Day #1933

April 17, 2019 

A prayer for Wednesday of Holy Week:

O Lord, as we arrive at the middle of this week of remembering and walking with you toward the cross, remind us that even though you knew what was ahead, your resolve and commitment never wavered. Give us strength to continue our journey with you no matter what comes and trusting you to be with us in all things. Amen.

And in the midst of the week, a latest from "Simon does"….

A new soccer star is born! :-)


Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Day #1932

April 16, 2019

This week’s Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture is from Psalm 118:24: This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

During a particularly difficult time in our lives, my boss brought me a gift plaque with the above scripture on it. There were many days that it was the most positive part of my day - the reminder that the Lord makes all our days and is in the midst of them, as well. There is great hope and promise found in that truth. 

Almighty God, as we continue our journey through this most difficult week, remind us that each day is crafted by you with at least one thing we can find to rejoice in. Amen.


Day #1931

April 15, 2019 

As we work through the details of this week, a brief prayer for Monday of Holy Week as copied from FaceBook:


Day #1930

April 14, 2019 

Where to begin?! God has been present today in too many ways to count - in worship; in folks serving others and showing appreciation; in baking bread with the young man who will celebrate his first Holy Communion this week; in making visits and sharing Holy Communion with those unable to come to worship; praying with others; and the list goes on. What a busy day! What a holy day!

Also, a prayer for the Sunday that begins Holy Week: Almighty God, as we shout Hosanna! to your entry into Jerusalem, keep our hearts and minds focused on the love you show for the world through your faithfulness to your mission. Through Christ we pray. Amen.


Day #1929

April 13, 2019

For the last sixty years, this town has culturally benefitted from the talents and gifts of folks coming together to make music and perform for others. Tonight we attended the 60th anniversary year's final concert featuring A German Requiem by Johannes Brahms. It was a fantastic evening, leaving us inspired by words of hope from scripture: “Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. They who sow in tears, shall reap in joy … They shall take in joy and gladness, and sorrowing and sighing must depart.” 

Thank you, symphony, for an awe-inspiring eve to the beginning of Holy Week.


Day #1928

April 12, 2019 

The calendar says it is spring - and nearly the middle of April. So I must say I was totally surprised to wake up and open the blinds to see the ground covered in SNOW! Really?!?! 

Fortunately, it did not stick around long or hinder the FISH fundraiser dinner, which was well attended by generous folks! Thankfully!


Day #1927

April 11, 2019 

I think we had the very best waitress we have had in over a year of the monthly Ladies: Let’s Do Lunch. Her efficiency and pleasant attitude were a delight, making another lunch fun…and delicious.

Also, I am inspired by the hard-working folks who are preparing for a fundraising dinner tomorrow for the FISH Food Ministry in our town. This annual event, held for the last 19 years, has generated a total of nearly $100,000 in funds for this important ministry that makes food available for hungry folks. Here’s hoping lots of people attend tomorrow - and spend generously.

Then the day ended with a fabulous recital by a talented local bassoonist and his accompanist, a renowned pianist who has played around the world. How thankful I am to be in a congregation open to such diverse events!


Day #1926

April 10, 2019

This Wednesday began with the parents of one of the High School youth surprising them at coffee for their 16th birthday. A balloon, card, and singing - what fun!!

This Wednesday ended with the last of the Lenten worship services for this season. The five-week series, Open Our Lives, Lord, has been thought-provoking and fun to plan. Open Our Eyes included watching a video of beautiful pictures of creation, inviting us to recognize God’s hand in things we may not usually - including people unlike ourselves. Open Our Hands included anointing our palms for service to the Lord. Open Our Ears included an invitation into silent meditation, inviting God to speak to us in the quiet. Open Our Lips/Heart included sharing with a neighbor at the table a way in which God’s presence has been made known in our own life. And Open Our Lives, tonight, included offering something that we have been hesitating to hand over to God, writing it down so that we will be able to reflect upon it during Holy Week. 

Thank you to Augsburg Fortress for the series idea. And thank you to everyone who has faithfully participated each week. This Lenten season has been particularly inspiring for me through your participation.


Day #1925

April 9, 2019

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture come from Luke 19:40: [Jesus] answered, “I tell you, if [the people] were silent, the stones would shout out.”

Shhh….let’s not tell anyone yet. Let's just keep the news between us for a little bit. But it was too exciting not to tell. I couldn’t wait to shout from the rooftops that I was marrying the love of my life. The news was just too exciting to hold it in. So as soon as possible, I shared it with as many people as I could. It was impossible to keep my excitement quiet.

Getting engaged is absolutely nothing in comparison to the news that Jesus was entering Jerusalem. The healer and teacher extraordinaire was coming into town. Many thought it was the time for things to finally turn around for the Jewish people, and they were beyond excited. Beyond appreciative. Beyond being able to keep quiet. But they were causing a stir, with their shouts of Hosanna! and blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord. If it didn't stop, things might soon get out of the leadership's control, so the Pharisees tell Jesus to make them stop. To keep quiet.

Impossible, Jesus seems to say. The stones themselves would shout out if the people did not. This is my moment, my glory, my time, Jesus seems to say, and no one will keep me away or squelch the excitement

We know, however, that the people’s shouts of Hosanna! will quickly change. Within days as the week progresses, "crucify him" will easily come from their mouths. Yes, Holy Week is coming…but so is Easter Sunday. 

Thank you, Jesus, for giving us your strength during Holy Week, and every other one. Amen.


Day #1924

April 8, 2019

The word for the day - thankful. For office equipment when it works. But when it doesn’t…SAD! I am grateful, however, for folks who keep trying. Good service is much appreciated!


Day #1923

April 7, 2019

A part of Sunday morning I really enjoy is something we call, P.S. (Post-sermon) Conversation. A group of folks gather for thirty minutes following worship to discuss what we heard in the readings or something that caused us to pause or question. The conversation often runs deep, with no question or comment off limits. 

This type of conversation is really rare, and I appreciate the opportunity. And the folks who gather with me.


Day #1922

April 6, 2019

At the annual WELCA Lenten Brunch, a local pastor shared stories about relationships, using three examples from her own life. Through the theme for the event, How Does Your Garden Grow, she helped us connect that the "gardens of our lives" grow through relationships. She also reminded us of the importance of relationships in our lives - sometimes positive ones with friends and sometimes contentious ones with those who maybe challenge us or rub us the wrong way. She gave an excellent message, delivered in a comfortable manor that was easy to listen to and relatable. 

What relationships in your life come to mind that help make your “garden of life” grow?


Friday, April 5, 2019

Day #1921

April 5, 2019 

Sometimes things just don’t go quite right. Those trying to be helpful make mistakes. But when things go wrong, why do we find we need to point fingers. Can’t mistakes just happen without hurrying to blame someone?! Then, in the midst of the mistake and without the blaming, often a solution can be found. Especially when we work together. I'm thankful for that!


Day #1920

April 4, 2019

A sign at a local florist made me smile: I got so excited, I wet my plants. 

Haha! Spring humor!


Day #1919

April 3, 2019 

In the midst of a conversation, this line came up: “We can’t change or undo the past but we should decide not to let the past undo our today.” At first it just seemed to be an inspired thought for the moment, but it is one that has stuck with me. After all, the past can undo today. The past can rob today of its joy. The past can weigh us down, bend us over, and create a fear in us that keeps us from looking forward or planning for the future. But only if we let it.

Thank you, Holy Spirit, for this reminder. 


Day #1918

April 2, 2019 

Tuesday’s Thoughts on Scripture comes from Philippians 3:7: Yet whatever gains I had, these I have come to regard as loss because of Christ. (NRSV)

Paul writes to the people of Philippi that he had many reasons to be confident “in the flesh” (verse 4b). He had lived his life learning about God, even teaching about God, being devout as a Jew, and following God’s rules and laws to the perfection of the letter. Yet, Paul comes to realize, through the grace and love of Jesus, that anything he has accomplished in his life or ways he has followed the law, do not matter in the face of Christ and the power of his death and resurrection (verse 9: ...not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but one that comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God based on faith). It is faith in Jesus that makes all the difference, not what we do to earn his favor. Oh, and by the way, even faith comes from God. 

This made me think about all those checks written for offerings to the church. Or all those Sundays teaching Sunday School. Or all those nights spent in meetings at council or committees. Or all those Bible Studies attended. Or any of those things we might think are the “punches in our ticket” toward a good relationship with God. Not a single one of those stands up in the face of God’s love and grace. 

Whew…that makes me hugely thankful. Hugely!


Day #1917

April 1, 2019 

So I have been thinking. Maybe 1,917 blog entries is enough?! Maybe I have run out of things to say, or the relevance of this is over. So…I'm thinking that maybe this is my last entry?

No…April Fool’s! As long as God continues to be present, I hope to keep writing. And God will ALWAYS be present (long before this blogging began and long after it ends!!). 

However, there IS a “no fooling” for April Fool’s Day - we had snow today. Not too much, but it IS April. Guess spring is closer, though. The snow didn’t last and was melted by the end of the day. Yay! :-)


Day #1916

March 31, 2019 

We had an enjoyable afternoon, attending the Youth Orchestra concert. There were several youth from the congregation involved, but for two of our High School seniors, this was the last concert. We enjoyed the music, and are grateful for the opportunity to celebrate the youth.


Day #1915

March 30, 2019

On a beautiful day in the neighborhood, what should happen but the beginning of some spring cleaning. Not much, mind you, but a start. :-)

And a quote from Albus Dumbledore in the movie Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets made me stop and ponder: “It is not our abilities that show who we truly are, it is our choices.” 

There is lots to think about in those few words!
