May 26, 2018
At the end of a busy week, having a Saturday evening to be at home, grilling out, making final preparations for tomorrow, brings a collective sigh, an ahhh…..
Sometimes is it just good to be home.
Almighty God, you give each of us gifts and talents unique to who we are and what you have for us to do in helping build up the Kingdom of God. None of us has all the gifts needed. None of us has better gifts than another's. Help us to identify the gifts you give, find ways to utilize them to give you glory, and be tolerant and supportive of the gifts of others. Amen.
Mothering God, thank you for those in this world who nurture others. Those in professions of care such as nurses and teachers. Those who have children and grandchildren they love and cherish. Those who struggle to care for their loved ones. With your love and grace, surround them with peace, endurance, tolerance, and the support they need. Also, we pray for you to be with those who experience the pain of hurtful nurturers, those who are sitting with nurturers as they near the end of life, those who are unable to nurture due to illness, etc. You are our strength and our loving example. We are grateful! Amen.
Simon Hunter, child of God, you have been sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked with the cross of Christ forever. Happy Baptismal Day! You are beloved. #celebratedwithcake #andtalkingtogodmommaanna #sevenyears
Almighty God, you are the God of perfect relationship as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, entwined in and with one another. You know, however, the challenges of human relationships - that often we are not one, not abiding in love. When relationships fracture and shatter, hold the broken pieces close to you. Give us strength to trust you to carry us and guide us. Protect those, especially the young and innocent, who are in the midst of these situations, and give us all the grace we need from you. Amen.
The National Day of Prayer was created in 1952 by a joint resolution of Congress, and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman. In 1988, the law was unanimously amended by both the House and the Senate and signed into law by President Ronald Reagan on Thursday, May 5, 1988, designating the first Thursday of May as a day of national prayer. Every president since 1952 has signed a National Day of Prayer proclamation.
Lord have mercy on our nation, our leaders, our people. Guide our leaders, and all of us, to make good and just decisions. Show us how to live not only for ourselves, but for others - our neighbors around the world. Amen.
God of love and relationship, thank you for calling us together. Thank you for bringing these young people to class to learn, to grow, and to build relationships. Thank you for their families who faithfully bring them, encourage them, and trust us with them. Thank you for the time we have had to pray, to laugh, to read, to discuss, to listen, to talk, and even to be frustrated. We want so much for these youth - a life of living and learning and growing with you. Keep them close to you. Protect them. Continue to fill them with your Holy Spirit. Strengthen relationships with them and between them. And give them courage through you to meet everything that happens in life with faith and hope. Amen.
Loving God, you remind us that a branch cut off from the vine will wither and die. Keep us ever close to you, abiding in you, trusting your promise to abide in us. Help us grow in faith, strength, courage and love, nourished by, and connected to you, as the vine. Then send us out as branches to mingle and grow with others, bearing fruit for you along the way. Thank you for your love. Amen.Blessings.