November 22, 2016
Today marks the 46th anniversary of the ordination of women in the ELCA (Rev. Elizabeth Platz was the first, ordained Nov. 22, 1970). I cannot help but be thankful for all the women - and men - who have gone before me to make this possible, to pave the way, to educate and patiently endure.
Of course, I especially remember and give thanks for my home pastor. Some 35 years ago, he asked me if I had ever considered becoming a pastor. I replied, I can’t do that. I’m a girl. And he responded, women can be pastors, too. I was floored. I had no idea. With there being only 10 years or so of history of such, the word had not gotten to me yet. Who knew that some 20+ years later I would finally do just that, head off to seminary to try and answer what I thought was God’s call on my life.
Now the way is made straighter for other women to pursue what they feel is God’s calling on their life as a pastor. It’s not what everyone should or must do as a Christian, but for some it is the most amazing of calls. I also think of the young girl in the congregation who right now loves church and everything about it. One day she just might find herself going off to try and answer God’s call on her life as an ordained pastor.
Today, I’m simply grateful that God calls all of us to areas of ministry - some as teachers, some as prophets, some as pastors, some as doctors, nurses, accountants, homemakers, executives, designers, etc., etc. Each of us has a calling to spread God’s word and share the Good News of God’s love and grace. Thanks be to God.