Saturday, January 6, 2018

Day #1467

January 6, 2018 

Happy Day of Epiphany!

With the help of FaithLens, a weekly study from the ELCA, this explanation of Epiphany:
January 6 was the Christian holy day Epiphany, which literally means a revealing, an unveiling, a manifestation. Epiphany (aka Three Kings Day) commemorates the visit of the Wise Men (aka Magi) to the infant Jesus (aka the Messiah). God revealed His Son to the Magi. A truth was unveiled as they knelt before the manifestation of God’s Self on earth.
A revealing of God’s Son, God’s own Self, on earth. That concept is too big for this brain to wrap around, but somehow it is trusted through faith (also from God). And on this day of Epiphany, I am also thinking about how God/Jesus/the Holy Spirit is revealed to us now. It’s part of why this blog exists (into year 5, by the way!). A way to think/catalog not only how God is revealed, made known, celebrated each day, but also about the gifts God gives - friends, family, fun, grateful moments, etc. 

How is Jesus revealed to you today? How is God’s presence made real to you today? Through a smile, a word, a thought, a prayer, in the quiet? Just look around - I really don’t think you will be disappointed.


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