Saturday, August 5, 2017

Day #1310

August 2, 2017 

This from Richard Rohr in his daily blog:
The word “human” comes from the Latin humus, which means earth. Being human means acknowledging that we’re made from the earth and will return to the earth. We are earth that has come to consciousness. For a few years we dance around on the stage of life and have the chance to reflect a little bit of God’s glory. As a human, I’m just a tiny moment of consciousness, a tiny part of creation, a particle that reflects only a fragment of God’s love and beauty. And yet that’s enough. And then we return to where we started—in the heart of God. Everything in between is a school of love.
A school of love. A beautiful image! And important to remember.

Oh, and the first booboo for Boomer - a wasp sting (maybe two). Poor baby. His little head and ear swelled. 

But I am thankful for having someone to call who gave us good advice. And Boomer is a trooper - no whining or complaining and it has to hurt. Poor baby! Maybe he will learn to keep his head out of sketchy places. :-)


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